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This graph represents the birth rate, by sexes of the Republic of Moldova between 2010 and 2017.

On this graph are illustrated three lines, the dark blue line represents the number of girls, the blue
open line the number of boys and the black line represents the total between boys and girls. Due
to these lines, we observe very well that there is a significant difference between the birth of boys
and girls, girls having a smaller number than boys. Comparing the situation of birth in 2010 with
the year 2017 we observe on the graph a continuous and easy decrease of the population between
these years. The final situation shows that the number of boys is 10.3, the number of girls is 9.0,
and their average is 9.6.
Analyzing the situation on the chart we observe a significant difference between 2010 and 2017.
In 2010 the rate of boys is 12.1 and of girls 10.6, their average being 11.4. In 2017 the rate of boys
is 10.3, of girls 9.0 and their average is 9.6. The year 2013 registers a recessive decrease of the
population according to the statistical data, the number of boys being of 11.3 and of the girls of
10.0. This situation is due in particular to the mass emigrations registered in 2013 on the territory
of the Republic of Moldova causing a demographic decrease. Due to the similarity and the difficult
living conditions caused by high prices, the average developed medicine and the lack of jobs causes
the population to decrease and the emigration increases.
In conclusion, I can say that the population of the Republic of Moldova is constantly declining. The
mass emigrations of Moldovans across the country borders are very much imprinted on this
situation. This is a major cause at present for the Republic of Moldova.

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