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Julissa Franco 06/12/2019

Juan Jorge Castro

185021 English

Interview classmates Módulo 3

Step 1​: Get in a team of 3 people (no more).

-Julissa Franco
-Juan Jorge Castro

Step 2​: On a word document, write a question for each category:

● Food

Example: Do you like to cook?

Do you like pizza?

How often do you go to restaurants?

● Music
● What’s your favorite song?
● Dream job
● What would be your dream job?
● Family
● Do you have a good bond with your family?
● Hobbies
● What are your hobbies?
● Sports
● Do you play any sports?
● Videogames
● Have you played any video games?
● Countries you wish to live in
● Where would be your dream county to live in?
● Pets
● Do you have any pets and do you like animals?
● Colors
● What’s your favorite color?
● School subjects
● what’s your favorite subject in school?

Step 3​: Ask each question to the two members of your team so you can compare

Write their answers on the word document.

Write a sentence using paired conjunctions:

Example:​ N
​ either​ ​Paulina​ ​nor​ ​Oliver likes to cook.

Both​ ​Paulina​ ​and​ ​Oliver like going to restaurants, especially for Italian food.

-What’s your favorite song?

Julissa’s answer: “brindemos” by Anuel

Juan’s answer: Brindemos

-What would be your dream job?

Julissa’s answer: My dream job is to be an engineer.

Juan’s answer: My dream job is to be a teacher.

-Do you have a good bond with your family?

Julissa’s answer: I actually have a great family bond.

Juan’s answer: I have a good bond with my family.

-What are your hobbies?

Julissa’s answer: My hobbies are to go to the gym and to watch tv.

Juan’s answer: My hobbies are to play soccer and to go to the gym.

-Do you play any sports?

Julissa’s answer: I do not play any sports

Juan’s answer: I play soccer.

-Have you played any video games?

Julissa’s answer: Actually I have when I was younger.

Juan’s answer: I have and I actually continue to play videogames.

-Where would be your dream county to live in?

Julissa’s answer: My dream country to live in would be Mexico city

Juan’s answer: I would like to live in London.

Do you have any pets and do you like animals?

Julissa’s answer: Yes I have a dog and really like animals.

Juan’s answer: Yes I have a dog and I really like animals.

- What’s your favorite color?

Julissa’s answer: Red

Juan’s answer: White

-what’s your favorite subject in school?

Julissa’s answer: English

Juan’s answer: English

Step 4​: Your word document should include the following:

1. The questions for each category (1 per category).

2. The answers of your two classmates (1 per classmate).
3. 10 sentences in total using their answers and​ PAIRED

1- Both Juan jorge and I like the song brindemos by Anuel.

2-Neither Juan nor I have the same dream job.

3- Both Juan and I have a great bond with our family.

4- Neither Juan nor I have a lot of hobbies.

5- Not only do I want to be an engineer but also I have other options.

6- I rather not play video games than Juan.

7- I don't play a sport rather than Juan Jorge, he plays soccer.

8- Neither do I nor Juan Jorge have the same dream city.

9- Both Juan Jorge and I have pets.

10- Both Juan Jorge and I have the same favorite subject with is english.

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