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Weber 1

Career Project Paragraphs

Over the course of this project we took a number of test to find out what careers were

best suited for us. These tests included a motivation test, which I predicted that I would be

motivated by financial success and I was correct. Another of the tests was a team style test, in

this test I predicted that I was an Analyzer and I was correct again. Then I took the brain power

inventory test, in this test I predicted that I would be left brained for I am very methodical and

logical. Through this test though I discovered that I am neither right or left brained, in fact I am

almost perfectly 50/50 in my usage of both. The next test I took was the Stress test, in this test I

predicted that I would handle stress better than average and I found that I am quite average in

this field. Then I took the Learning style inventory test I predicted that I would be a Kinesthetic

learner and was overwhelmingly correct. Then I took the personality test and got exactly as I

expected. I am an INTJ or Introverted iNtuitive Thinking Judging, this means I am an introvert

that thinks very rationally and logically and is constantly planning.

With this test I also got a list of careers for my personality type. Among these were ones

that I would be interested in, including Scientist, Engineer, Corporate strategist, Organization

Builder, Business Manager, Military Leader, and Computer Programmer. I am interested in

these, because they require a lot of thinking and strategizing as well as hands on work and

leadership. It also listed Attorney or Judge as two of the careers, which I never considered before

but I think I would enjoy it because I always think I’m right. It also provided a list of careers I

would never consider, including Medical Doctor and Dentist. I would never consider these two

careers because I don’t like to touch people. It also included Teacher and Professor, these two

careers would never do because I am constantly frustrated by the lack of rational/logical thinking

by my classmates and I would have to endure it all day long.

Weber 2

Ten Personality Traits

Plus a couple extra…
 Not threatened by conflict or criticism
 Usually self-confident
 Take their relationships and commitments seriously
 Generally extremely intelligent and capable
 Interested in "optimizing" their relationships
 Good listeners
 Not naturally in tune with others feelings; may be insensitive at
 May tend to respond to conflict with logic and reason, rather
than the desired emotional support
 Not naturally good at expressing feelings and affections
 Tendency to believe that they're always right
 Tendency to be unwilling or unable to accept blame
 Tend to hold back part of themselves

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