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Capstone Buddies!

Who is Our Focus?

The Issue?

What is the Issue
As a school Austin High has lots of diversity but, that
does not mean that everyone is included in the school

The Life Skills and SCORES programs usually separate

these students from the rest during the day in order to
better attend to their specific needs.
What is the Issue?
This can lead to :
● missing out on information for school activities and
● very few chances to interact with students from
outside SCORES and Life Skills
● The students being not being involved in school
Our Research
● Past, Present, and Future Students

● Parents of these students

● Their Teachers

Our research was based on figuring out what the issue is,
what the people affected want, and what would be most
beneficial to the students involved.
Graduate of
I interviewed my brother, Berk, because he was a part of the
SCORES program at Austin High. Through this interview I developed a better understanding
on the isolation he felt. Berk shared that he wished he had left school with more friends and
more experiences. We also talked about what activities as a part of the whole school he
enjoyed the most, these included plays and pep rallies. This interview was super important to
understanding how our group can help students like my brother be more involved in the
Austin High community .This isolation is what our group would like to change, we want to
build a better community that connects with and celebrates the students in the SCORES and
Life Skills programs more.
Future Maroon in Life

Skills Perspective
Currently a student in the Life Skills Program at O.
Henry Middle School
● Says he wishes he could spend more time with his
friends during the day
● Thinks having a group of friends is fun, but it is better
to get to know them better one by one first
● He likes to check up on his teachers
Nicholas (Nick), Natalie’s
● He feels like good friends help each other, talk to 8th grade brother.
each other, and is there for each other
WANTS: More people to talk to him, make new friends, and have fun with
friends at school functions and activities.
TA in elementary Life
I interviewed my aunt Teresa, who is a teacher's assistant in an
elementary Life Skills program. During our interview, we talked about the
unique issues that face the younger students in special education.
Because development can be delayed in these students, many of
them don’t have adequate social skills to interact with other
elementary school students. The general education students are also
not at an age where they can always handle some of the unique
characteristics of Life Skills students. For these reasons, having
interaction between the two groups on the elementary level can be
extremely difficult. This is one of the reasons we decided to work with
older students.
Importance and Our
Relations to the Issue
As students of Austin High, we wanted to help
build a community that includes each and
every student in all school activities!!!
How do other
handle this
What Else is out there
Other Countries: Finland
In Finland students receive help right away when they begin to experience issues and
difficulties in learning. They also try to avoid labeling the learning disabilities while in
school in order to provide the student with the specific help they may need. As a
result, with early recognition and immediate assistance, these students have more
time to be outside and play with their friends instead of spending more time in the
classroom getting help.

Global Companies: Microsoft

Microsoft is one of the many companies attempting to create a more inclusive
workplace. Their Autism Hiring Program provides multi day interviews to help
prospective applicants feel more relaxed. They also have a a team that host inclusive
hiring events for applicants with other disabilities.
What Else is out there

Programs around Austin focus on involving students

with learning differences in the workforce and the
community. Programs in school like No Place for Hate
promote positive and inclusive action from students.
What Else is out there

Outside of school there are programs around Austin

like: Non parel, Spectrum, and clubs like Bowling
Buddies and Good Friends Club. All of these groups goal
is to further develop social skills, create communities of
friends and expand the members knowledge and skills.
What Else is out there

At Austin High we have

However, Life Skills and SCORES are not the main
focus of these groups. Therefore they can not fully
attend to all of the social needs and wants of the
students in the Life Skills and SCORES programs here
at AHS.
What are these programs?
Link Crew - A program designed to help freshmen here at
AHS with their transition from middle school to high

PALS - A program designed for high school students to

travel to middle and elementary school campuses to
mentor younger students.
Local: How these programs relate to the
students in SCORES and Life Skills
Link Crew - Eats lunch with the students in SCORES once a week

PALS - No relation to the students Life Skills and SCORES at Austin

High,but these students do sometimes mentor kids who are in
these programs at their own schools.

Capstone Buddies - We eat lunch with the students in Life Skills

once a week and with the students in SCORES once a week.
What can we do?
As high school students how can we change this by creating a club
made by students to help students:

● We can build a better and more inclusive community

● Create a group focused on inclusion

● Create a club that these students will enjoy!

Our Plan
- Formulate bonds with Life Skill and Scores students through a club
that meets during lunch and participates in various activities and
social interaction
- Create a club or space that allows for students to build connections
outside their program
- Grow the community by visiting other already existing clubs to
help build student networks
- Build a community that will last past our capstone group leaving in
order to continue including other students
Next Steps
1. Find a teacher willing to be the sponsor and room
a. Decide on a good day that works for the club to
meet up on
b. We will be doing this by sending out a survey to
the teachers and then following up with
meeting with them
Next Steps
1. 2) Then seek out other students interested in being a
part of this club
a. This part has been started but not fully executed.
We plan to encourage other students to join this
club through social media, posters, and a teacher
email, and by word of mouth.
b. We want to make sure that the starting group of
people are inclusive and invested in the club before
we are able to expand.
Next Steps
1) 3. Once we have developed the club we will start
doing activities outside of school
a) This could be going to softball games or shows
done by arts programs around the school
b) We could also attend non school events as a
group such as movies, picnics, and parades
Bumps in the Road/Setbacks
● A new club might not last very long
● Students will not want to take part in this club
● No sponsors available
● The students no longer want to participate in the
● How will the Life Skills and SCORES teachers
Solutions to these
possible setbacks
● By recruiting students in child development classes and underclassmen, we
can at least set a strong base for a club that will hopefully last after we
● No sponsors or students? We, as a group, will continue to visit these students
during lunch to make a difference in their high school experience. We will
continue the club/lunch meets within our group.
● The students are free to participate as often as they would like, but of
course they are allowed to do their own thing as well during lunch.
● Benefits the teachers by assisting the students in improving their
social skills outside the classroom.
● Underclassmen who are interested
Students like my brother have more chances to build friendships when
they are involved in extracurricular activities like this club. By building
this community we can help students that are part of SCORES and Life
Skills not only have more fun high school experiences and give them a
space to make new friends but also help them work on their social
skills. It will also give the school a chance to build a better and more
inclusive community for not just he students in SCORES and Life Skills
but also those who are in different academies as well.


Any Questions?

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