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COQUIMBO Teacher: Yarieth Mederos A.

Class worksheet

Lesson plan: Watching a movie

Aim: to practice listening and Reading by watching a movie.

Introduction: movie genres

High challenge: dialogue practice and watch the movie

Cinema Reading

Caroline: Hello, I'd like to see a flmi------------- but I'm not sure which one. Can you make
any comemrdneaniots------------------------------------?

Jessica: Which renge -------------------------do you usually like? Romance? Action? Omecyd


Caroline: I think I'm in the mood for a good action film...

Jessica: Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy is showing at the moment, it's really good.

Caroline: Ok I'll go for that one then please.

Jessica: How many tckiest ---------------------------------would you like?

Caroline: Just one, I have a dntestu ---------------------------------card. Does that make it cheaper?

Jessica: Yes, that will be £6. Would you like any drinks or cronopp----------------------------------?

Caroline: Yes please, I'll have a diet coke you have nachos?

Jessica: Yes we do, small or lrage----------------------?

Caroline: Small please.

Jessica: Ok, that's £11.50 all together please.

Caroline: Here you go!

Jessica: Thank you, enjoy the vomie-----------------!

Low challenge: speaking practice by reading the dialogue

Closing: giving your opinión about the movie

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