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Colton Christensen

History 1500

Dr. Bokovoy



In response to the question; Since Early World History is so far removed from the lives of

21st century students, find connections between the world in which you live today and the world

you confront in the course. I think there are a great many connections, you could talk about the

various religions and how impactful and important to some they are to this day. I instead will

choose to talk about the earliest complete law collection known to man. The code of Hammurabi,

and how it introduced certain ideas and beliefs to society that I am grateful we still have today.

I am grateful that he introduced the idea that everyone is innocent until proven guilty, and that

those that hold judicial positions must be held accountable for their decisions. I can’t imagine a

world without that simple belief. Sometimes it’s taken for granted and imagining a world where

someone with a higher standing than you could accuse you of something and they just simply

take that person’s word over yours and you are punished is wholly unfair. The code of

Hammurabi introduced a minimum wage for workers of any rank or class. Even today across the

U.S. the minimum wage is highly debated as to what it should be, and it can even differ from city

to city not just state to state. The code also introduced a sliding pay scale for healthcare

depending on your class. That is highly related to our present time, just a few years ago Obama

introduced the Affordable Care Act, while some may agree or disagree, it absolutely uses a

sliding scale based on you economic standing. For all of these reasons I can absolutely see the

connections between the world I live in today and the world we confront in the course.

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