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Course Reflection

This semester in english 113B has taught me a few things about my writing which helped

my improve to become a better writer. One thing I learned about myself is that I am a good

writer despite not viewing myself as a good writer. I figured this out as my grades have shown

that I am well written as I earn high scores on writing assignments like essays.

Upon taking the english 113B course I knew it was a continuation of the 113A. With this

in mind i knew that it would probably include more challenging and intricate readings and

writing assignments. While taking the course we were introduced to the assignments of creating

media spaces as blog websites in which we will publish our responses and summaries to assigned

readings. Creating websites to show our work was quite challenging for me since I have never

really looked into making a website, nor thought about what makes people engaged in a website

to stay on the page.

One writing method that I did utilize was ethos, pathos, and logos. I was introduced to

this method in the 113A course last semester which is used to help convince or persuade

someone to whatever topic you discuss. I used this in my global crisis essay to show credibility,

emotion, and logic to show why deforestation is a crisis and should be stopped. The global crisis

essay helped me view the world today to analyze what kind of problems are happening which is

what helped me choose my topic.

Overall, I really enjoyed this course as the Dr. Khadka and Ms. Balian both were both

great instructors and discussed topics in which all students could be involved. They both help me

become a better writer by viewing my essays and giving constructive criticism on what could be

said in a more effective manner.

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