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AFFIRMATIVE: OPT OUT - Necessity Prepared by: CABADING LC (Disclaimer: This speech is for

debate purposes only and does not really reflect my own personal views ). Good Evening Everyone. I
strongly believe it is a NECESSITY for our country to adopt the OPT OUT MODEL for organ donation
where in, in such system, everyone is presumed to have consented to organ transplantation. If one does
not agree, one has to actively register one’s objection. These are my three compelling reasons: FIRST,
the strong necessity arises because in the spirit of ALTRUISM, man knows in his heart that HUMANITY
NEEDS it… the HUMAN SPECIE needs it. Organ transplantation has become a life-saving procedure for
many disease conditions considered incurable. The supply of organs remains the most persistent
problem in the field of organ transplantation. The National Organ Transplantation Act established a
national system for identification of transplantable organs and fair distribution to recipients on the basis of
medical need. Unlike other medical advances, this one necessarily involves not only a physician and a
patient but also another party, the donor, and the organ itself. The organ is a precious resource which, if
not efficiently used, is lost to another potential recipient. It is this complex network of patient, donor, and
organ that makes transplantation unique. People die every day. Organs of the dead deteriorate. In the
concept of ALTRUISM, humanity rises above self to preserve humanity. That is how we must look at the
OPT OUT SYSTEM…maximizing utility, focus on doing as much good as possible, given the limited
resources. SECOND, sad it may be, there are several ethical issues that have arise from organ
transplantation and over all these ethical issues looms a major factor: the SCARCITY OF ORGANS.
Unfortunately, this scarcity of organ leads to the exploitation of the weak by the powerful. We see this in
the occurrence of “Rampant commercialism” which is the actual buying and selling of organs. A report in
United States 2002 showed affluent foreigners receiving cadaver kidneys while poor local donors sell
their organs. In Israeli, one can have a success¬ful, well-arranged and scheduled transplant in Turkey for
$145,000 paid to a private broker while the Indians receive only $1,000 for donating their organs. Most of
the Indian donors are women, who are low paid domestic workers with husbands in trouble or in debt.
The OPT OUT system in transplantation will equalize the utilization field, balance the system and
eradicate these issues borne out of scarcity. THIRD, let me direct you to the rising trend of
XENOTRANSPLANTATION. Due to organ scarcity and gross lack of human organ donors, man has
sought another path…breeding of animals and using them as organ donors. This is xenotransplantation.
The use of animals as organ donors has led to a new set of ethical and medical concerns. A concrete
medical reality is that serious animal viral infections can be transmitted to human recipients and may
spread into human generation. Furthermore, improper disposal of these numerous animals have major
catastrophic impact on the environment and people’s health. DNA of animal sources can replicate and
spread. It can then recombines and pick up genes from viruses and other species. New diseases can
create. This will be the beginning of the degradation of the human species. Yes, this may all sound so
farfetched at this time…yet, time is ticking…and soon enough, this can be our reality if men do not do
something. The call on humanity will be, do we allow this situation to happen when we can
NECESSITATE that organ transplantation remains within the realm of HUMANITY? Ladies and
gentlemen, humanity has survived beyond times because we are the specie that thrives… we do so
because we have such sense of TRUE ALTRUISM. Let us tap on that sense in every humanity. OPT
OUT System in transplantation is a NECESSITY.
INTERPOLATION QUESTIONS/ PRO OPT OUT (see format and tips on how to deliver) NECESSITY My
dear opponent… 1. Do you agree with me that in OPT IN system, organs are harvested from the dead? 2.
And only from those with consent, right? 3. That man generally has many concerns in life? 4. That he
may agree to something but just failed to inform? 5. That organ transplantation is an issue of humanity?
6. That organ transplantation may not just be a personal priority? 7. That man by nature is altruistic for the
sake of humanity? 8. That an organ may be wasted from sheer failure to consent? 9. That a wasted organ
is a wasted life? (remind/ insist to your opponent to stick to yes/no answer only…do not allow him to
explain…proceed to the next quest right away…remember you only have 2 minutes interpolation…use it
to your gain and not for your opponent to explain his side. When the bells rings, say your last statement
fast, forceful and with conviction like below…) …AND WE CAN AVOID THIS WASTE OF LIFE IF WE

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