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Summerhill School

Love and Wisdom

Student: _________________________________________________ Class: _6TH ________

Subject: _HISTORY______ _________________________________ Date: _______

1. Carefully read the following text and make a diagram to summarize it.

Main idea



“In 285 AD, Emperor Diocletian decided that the Roman Empire was too big to manage.
He divided the Empire into two parts, the Eastern Roman Empire and the Western Roman
Empire. Over the next hundred years or so, Rome would be reunited, split into three parts,
and split in two again.”

2. Mention 4 causes to the Roman Empire fall

3. Identify the regions to the Eastern and Western empires

4. According with the slides answer the questions below (Byzantine Empire)

What is Byzantine?


What is the topic of the cartoon?


Why the empire was divided?


Why Byzantine Empire preserved the Greek and Roman ideas?


Why is important Byzantine to human history?

5. Finally identify main characteristics of Byzantine art (perspective, topics and materials)

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