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J: Hello David

D: Hello Carlos, how are you?

J: I’m fine, and you?

D: I am fine too.

D: Can you play soccer tomorrow afternoon?

J: I can’t play in the afternoon but I can do it in the morning.

D: Awesome! We need to call Marco to see if he can do it in the morning.

J: Hello Marco, David and I, we are going to play soccer tomorrow morning, can you come?

M: I am sorry, I can’t.

J: Is something wrong or do you have other plans?

M: My leg is hurting; I can’t go out these days.

J: David, Marco is sick, he has a bad leg, what can we do?

D: We can go to his house to visit him.

J: Can you go to his house today or tomorrow?

D: I can go today

J: That sounds good! I will see you later then.

At Marco’s House

D: Hello Marco, how are you?

M: Hello David, I’m fine but my leg hurts.

D: How did you hurt your leg?

M: Last Sunday I went to play soccer and I got kicked by another player.

J: Oh, I am sorry, and when is it going to be your next doctor visit?

M: It is going to be on Monday.
D: That’s great! Can we do something fun tomorrow then?

M: No, I can’t, I have a lot of homework to do.

J: How about Sunday? Can you play on Sunday?

M: No, I can’t. I won’t be able to go out yet.

J: What can we do then?

D: We can cook or watch a movie, how about that?

M: That sounds good! I can’t cook, I won’t be able to move, but I can watch a movie with you guys.

J: Perfect, after we can play PlayStation and it is going to be a fun afternoon!

M: That sounds good!

D: For me too.

J: We plan on that then. Take care Marco. We will see you on Sunday then!

D: Talk to you later Marco!

M: Bye Carlos and David, see you Sunday!

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