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Faith in Every Footstep Fewvently J=Te84 Words and masie by K. Newel Dasley F wT vel = ous work has be te come forth vel = ous Saints who em this great work now de sive tos in ‘this work cur ‘mong all AT den of men ° ye that em - bark shared it Tands far and near Who gave all their heat thnst in fick Te with — might u ‘we will em bark T wer = vice of God sive earl, ming) and. strength = uT> to him For strength tothe Lord with wis) dom’ and vis = jon sear Now fer = vice of Cod and har = vest in fields that’ ave white our Copyright # 1996 LDS Allright reserved. This song may be coped for incidental, noncommtcia, home or church use, This notice must be included on each copy made proph ets have spo - ken and an = gels have come to Tift the world from sin, That Boek sam = ples “of vir = fue and faith, of souls pre paved to hear of souls may ye-ceie the sal = va = tion of God the ful’= ness of his Wht Tat IF TI SRL wien overall te tod age, tom atta wen fay sand, hee f cath and bless his ath be heart, and love that sin and Blame, Gods wed hi, ban = ished fear, elo = ry in our sight T T foot + step the filed with — ope through — sing with one ac - cord r

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