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Will a Trade War between the US and be China completed?

Salsabila Nur Afifah


Japanese 5

Event : SEA Games

President University

Jababeka Education Park Ki Hajar Dewantara Kota Jababeka, Bekasi 17750, Indonesia
A. Introduction

The Association of Southeast Asian Nations or better known as ASEAN is a regional

intergovernmental organization comprising ten countries in Southeast Asia, which promotes
intergovernmental cooperation and facilitates economic, political, security, military, educational,
and sociocultural. The goals of Asean are also numerous, one of which is in the field of
socioculturalism which aims to increase we-feeling towards fellow ASEAN members, in
addition cooperation in the field of sociocultural aims to foster mutual respect and high social
solidarity so that Asean citizens will have a sense of solidarity and integration Southeast Asian
In order to realize this, one of the efforts to realize the formation of a socio-cultural
community was the holding of a sports event called SEA GAMES. SEA Games is a biennial
multi-sport event under the auspices of the Southeast Asian Games federation & Supervision of
the International Olympic Committee. One of the originators of the previous SEA Games
namely, Luang Sukhum Naiyapradit also has the aim to create a sports competition between
Thailand and surrounding countries to improve sports standards and the most important thing is
to be able to strengthen the cultural cooperation between countries with one another.

The problems currently faced by ASEAN are causing tensions to occur in several
countries, such as the South China Sea problem which involves many countries so as to make the
situation of one country and another become 'cold'. With so many problems facing ASEAN, it
seems difficult to build solidarity and integration of Southeast Asian societies if they only rely on
regional pacts. Therefore, the SEA Games here are like breaking the atmosphere which is
possible to save ASEAN from tension or failure of cooperation in other fields. The SEA Games
Games is arguably a success regarding the sociocultural integration of Southeast Asian
communities at the community level.
B. History of SEA Games

C. Logo

The rings represent six countries which are Burma (now Myanmar), Singapore, Laos,
Malaya (now Malaysia), Thailand and Vietnam were the founding members. The number of
rings increased to 10 during the 1999 edition in Brunei to reflect the inclusion of Singapore
which was admitted into the Southeast Asian Games Federation in 1961. Brunei, Indonesia, and
the Philippines which joined the organisation in 1977. The number of rings was added again to
11 during the 2011 games in Indonesia to reflect the federation's newest member, East Timor
which was admitted in 2003.

D. SEA Games in Indonesia

E. SEA Games General Champion

F. The purpose of Sea Games

Through the Declaration of ASEAN Concord II produced through the determination of
the 9th ASEAN peak in Bali. The leaders of ASEAN countries announced the establishment of
an ASEAN community consisting of three pillars namely, the ASEAN Security Community
(ASC), the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC), and the ASEAN Socio-cultural Community.
The three pillars supporting the ASEAN community are like a reference to enhance ASEAN
cooperation. one of the pillars of the ASEAN Socio-cultural Community has the aim of
promoting awareness and feeling as a Southeast Asian community, besides that ASEAN also
seems to want to encourage the creation of a sense of belonging, consolidate unity in diversity
and increase mutual understanding among member countries about culture, history , religion, and
their civilization. One way to realize that can be realized is by holding a sports competition, the
SEA Games.
ASEAN aims to promote regional peace and stability by respecting the rule of law
justice in relations between the countries in the region and abiding by the principles of the United
Nations Charter. However, in the realization of one of the objectives of ASEAN it sometimes
does not run smoothly, instead of increasing peace and stability between countries, sometimes
conflicts occur. For example, the problem of economic disparity between Singapore and
Myanmar is not to mention the conflict over the South China Sea which indirectly triggers
sentiment among the ASEAN people.

In the condition of ASEAN which is being hit by many problems which are enough to
test the solidarity and integration of the people of Southeast Asia, the SEA Games is here to
break the ice or reduce the tension between ASEAN countries. Politics or economic competition
from the 19th century to the mid-20th century tends to be like separating and dividing the
situation but, this can be alleviated by sports. Sports can be a channel of conflict while also
channeling competition and rivalry through fairer ways and finding resonance in sporting parties
which are nominee or even multinational.

The SEA Games sports party was quite successful in integrating the socio-cultural
community of Southeast Asia. SEA Games illustrates that integration is not an abstract event but
has deep roots in the personal experience of the participants, from athletes, coaches, committees,
to spectators. They are all involved in collective emotions. When a competition is held, they will
respect each other from the athlete, the coach, the committee to the audience itself.

In addition, the SEA Games also have other benefits and advantages, especially for the
host country or host of the SEA Games. This SEA Games sports party can increase the income of
the host country, because tourists will come to watch and support their respective countries. It is
also a place to promote the culture and tourism of the host country, supported by adequate
facilities by the government to prepare for the SEA Games to take place. This also certainly can
attract investors to invest in the host country because they can see the resources in the host

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