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Women have long been putting themselves through torturous

devices and measures to live up to society's standard of beauty. From
waist cinchers to lip plumpers, waxing to piercing, women have
endured it all in the name of beauty. One thing is true: beauty is
pain. All women understand the feeling of not being confident with
their looks, especially when they have spent countless hours on
working to make themselves look acceptable.No one likes suffering.
We try to get rid of any kind of pain and suffering at every turn. An
entire industry sprang up around reducing the pain associated with
dental and medical procedures.

From the Documentation, all men and women must undergo that
kind of procedure because it’s their culture that shaped them to have
these kind of standards of beauty, In my own opinion, it’s your own
choice not to follow what culture you grew up in, nobody is really
forcing you to undergo this kind of pain, There has always been a
desire for women to be beautiful, desirous creatures. Society has
pushed it, women have wanted it, men have desired it, so it's no
wonder women put their bodies through torturous devices to achieve
the epitome of beauty.
Women do a lot of things in the name of beauty. Strange things.
Really strange things. But no matter what you do, you're all beautiful,
so what ever makes you feel that way, have at it.

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