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DS9 Installation

ds9 for Ubuntu 64 bit and 32 bit

"SAOImage DS9 is an astronomical imaging and data visualization
application." This is actually a very useful, simple and easy Graphical User Interface (GUI)
application for you to view the fits images and do simple operations on them. Through IRAF's
Image Cursor, ds9 interacts with IRAF. If you are using Fedora, simply typing the command #
ds9 as root will install it from the Fedora repositories. If it doesn't work (you don't have the
repositories installed) or you are using another operating system, here is how to install it:

1. We will now install SAO DS9. As of this writing v7.2 is the most up to date
version, if a new version exists please replace the corresponding values. This
will be a simple installation.

2 You need to be root to install ds9 . So execute the below command.

$ sudo -s ( specify your user password )

3 Download the appropriate file extension and place it

in your appropriate directory. The following commands are for a 64 and 32 bit

For 64 bit operating system

# wget

For 32bit operating system

# wget

4 Untar the downloaded file by executing the following commands:

# tar xzvf ds9.linux64.7.2.tar.gz or ds9.linux.7.2.tar.gz

5 And move the ds9 file

# mv ds9 /usr/local/bin

6 Make the command executable by executing the below command

# chmod +x /usr/local/bin/ds9
7 Running IRAF for the First Time

# ds9


Note: If it is showing any library dependencies , install the following packages

# apt-get install libX* ( For Ubuntu )

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