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Urban Forest and Flower Committee Meeting

January 16, 2019

Call to order:
Mr. Woolfington @ 2:01 PM

Roll Call:
Board Members –Mike Woolfington, Cameron Arnold, Steve Listenberger, Jim Marquardt, and Bob Yoder
Debbie Palmer

Approval of November 21, 2018 minutes:

Motion: Debbie Palmer
Second: Mr. Listenberger
All were in favor

Election of Officers:
• President – Cameron motioned to keep Mr. Woolfington Mrs. Palmer seconded.
• Vice President - Cameron motioned to keep Mr. Felde Mrs. Palmer seconded.
• Secretary- Cameron motioned to keep Mr. Hite Mr. Marquardt seconded.
All were in favor of elections.

2019 Meeting Dates: Mr. Listenberger motioned to keep the same schedule in place for time & dates Mr. Woolfington
seconded. All were in favor.

Fall Tree Planting:

2018 Fall tree planting was observed by Mr. Arnold all looked good, except one tree was removed from Berkley &
Randolph because of gas & water line conflicts. For a total of 24 trees planted.

Tree Inventory:
Mr. Arnold is going to talk to Aren Flyni at a tree conference next week about the inventory and looking into a Cuf grant.

Other Business:
Mr. Woolfington would like to welcome Debbie Palmer to the committee & feels she will be a great addition to our

Mr. Woolfington thanked Mr. Marquardt and his Staff for removing the Christmas trees & the posts from the planters
downtown so they didn’t freeze this winter.

A lady talked with Mr. Woolfington about a tree on West St about a tree one block S. of East Laporte St that she feels
needs to come out. Mr. Arnold and Mr. Marquart will investigate which tree this is.
Mrs. Palmer will look into inviting Erica Luchik and Craig Cultice to our next meeting to talk about Invasive Species
(Japanese Knotwood) along the Yellow River off of Center St.
Motion: Mr. Arnold
Second: Mr. Marquardt
All were in favor @ 2:35 PM
NEXT MEETING: February 20,2019 @ 2:00 pm. Plymouth Street Department
2124 Western Avenue
Plymouth, Indiana 46563

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