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T: I have a dice here. Each group will have a dice and every group will pick a representative to roll the

S: Yes teacher!

T: Okay, please roll the dice.

T: The number on the left side is 5 and on the right side is 3 and the operation to be used is addtion. We
will add 5 and 3, what is the answer?

S: 8 Teacher

T: Very good class, we will roll the dice one more time.

S: Okay teacher!

T: The number on the left side is 10 and on the right side is 6 and the operation to be used is

We will subtract 10 to 6, what is the answer?

S: 4 teacher

T: Very good.

C. Presentation

Since we've already discussed yesterday about addtion and subtraction.

So this moring we will discuss the "Orders of operations involving addition and subtraction".

S: Yes Teacher!

D. Analysis

T: I have here some problems. I need 3 representative to come here in front and answer these problems.

S: Yes teacher!

T: Is the answer in number 1 correct?

S: Yes teacher!

T: No, the answer in incorrect

T: how about in the second questions?

S: Yes teacher!
T: How about in the third problem?

S: No teacher

T:Do you know why the answer in number 1 and 3 is incorrect?

S: Yes Teacher!

T: The rule in orders of operations involving addtion and subtraction is determind by which one comes

Understood class?

S: Yes teacher!

T: Very good.

E. Application

T: I have here another set of problems and you will solve it group.

S: Okay Teacher!

T: Very good class, all of you got the correct answer.

F. Abstraction

To have an overview about our topic, anybody who can tell the rule in "orders of operation involving
addtion and subtraction"?

S: The rule in orders of operations teacher is determined of what comes first.

T: Very good

IV. Assesssment/Evaluation

Each students will get a piece of paper and answer the problem on the board.

V. Assignment

The learners will get their assignment notebook and copy their assignment that is posted in the board.

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