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Shade or color the grids to visualize 0.75, the part of the pie given to Tabern’s friend.

Shade or color the grids to visualize 0.75, the part of the pie given to Tabern’s friend.

Shade or color the grids to visualize 0.75, the part of the pie given to Tabern’s friend.

Shade or color the grids to visualize 0.75, the part of the pie given to Tabern’s friend.
Use the drawing below representing the number line. Color/shade the drawing to visualize 0.75.

Use the drawing below representing the number line. Color/shade the drawing to visualize 0.75.

Use the drawing below representing the number line. Color/shade the drawing to visualize 0.75.

Use the drawing below representing the number line. Color/shade the drawing to visualize 0.75.

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