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Have a very good belly laugh!

It’ll cheer you up when things get rough!

1 An ‘Honorable’ Man
A funeral service was being held for a
rather unsavory character who had never
been near a place of worship in his life. The
services were being conducted by a
minister who had never heard of him.
Carried away by the occasion, he poured
on praise for the departed man.
After ten minutes of hearing the late person
being described as an ideal father,
husband, and boss, the widow nudged her
son and whispered, "Go up there and make
sure it's Papa."

It is interesting that sometimes a person talks
about the good qualities of another person
whom he in actual case has no personal
knowledge of. This is done out of politeness or
because it is the expected thing to do. Would
this constitute lying?
2 A Headache
When a schoolboy went home with
a pain in his stomach, his mother
said, "Well, sit down and drink
your tea. Your stomach hurts
because it's empty. It'll be all right
when you've got something in it."
Later in the evening, the boy’s
father came home from the office,
complaining of a headache.
"That's because it's empty," said
the bright son.
"You'd be all right if you had
something in it."

How often have we made illogical
deductions and uttered words that
could be rather insulting to
Saying the unwise things can land
one in trouble! 3
3 “I want a baby…”
Two women in their thirties were sitting in the
doctor's waiting room comparing notes on their
various disorders.
"I want a baby more than anything in the world,"
said the first, "but I guess it is impossible."
"I used to feel just the same way," said the
second. "But then everything changed. That's
why I'm here. I'm going to have a baby in three
"You must tell me what you did," said the first
"I went to a faith healer," the second lady said.
"But I've tried that. My husband and I went to
one for nearly a year and it didn't help a bit."
The other woman smiled and whispered, "Try
going alone, next time, dearie."
How many people have resorted to immoral
actions to satisfy a particular want?
How many have been conned by people who
claim to be “Faith Healers”? 4
4 Man and Woman
A man asked God, “Why did
U make women so beautiful?”
God replied, “So dat u will luv
“But why did u make them so
stupid?’ the man asked.
God replied. “So dat they will
luv u.”

It’s easy for one to criticize

and see the faults of others
but oftentimes one is blind
to his own shortcomings.

5 An Insult?
1st Professor : During my
lecture I feel insulted when
my students keep looking at
their watches.
2nd Professor : That’s
nothing! During my lecture,
my students keep removing
their watches and shaking
them to see if they are
One feels insulted or hurt according to one’s interpretation of what he
sees or hears. He then reacts negatively to the situation and this brings
him mental suffering. 6
6 Wrong Move
Max sadly told his friend Fred, “I’ll never
be able to understand women. Last week
my wife threw a birthday party for me.
Later on she told me that as a birthday
present to me, I could do with her
whatever I wanted.” “Wow!” Fred
exclaimed. “But why are u so sad. That
sounds like a great present to me.”
“Well,” Max continued, “I sent her home
to her mother after the party. Now she
nags me everyday .”
When a husband and wife, or two close
friends, have different lines of thinking or
wishes, trouble can set in. Understanding
each other and not taking a wrong move
is important for harmony.

7 Arrogant Politician
An arrogant politician dressed pompously, once visited the psychiatric ward in a hospital.
All except one patient stood up and cheered, “Big Shot! Big Shot!”. They clapped very
loudly for the politician who felt an air of great importance.
Then the politician noticed the patient sitting at the corner of the ward who ignored him.
“What’s the matter with him?” he asked the psychiatrist on duty. “Why isn’t him giving
me a warm welcome like the others?”
“Oh!” the psychiatrist replied. “He has recovered from his psychiatric condition and will
be discharged today.”

People who feel a false sense of importance foolishly expect others to
give them respect and honour. Intelligent people can see through their
negative qualities.

8 Future Tense
Teacher : Class, I want you
to convert this sentence into
the future tense: ‘ I killed a person.’
Ah Boey : Teacher, I don’t
think you dare to do such a thing.
Teacher : Aiyoh Ah Boey!
This is just an exercise in English
Grammar. Now come on! Who can
Ah Lan : You will not be able
to sleep at night coz the murder
victim will visit you as a ghost.
Ah Gau : Easy Teacher! The
answer is “You will go to jail!”

Dealing with students who are
not serious in learning or who
have language problems can be a
great challenge to the teacher.
When MONEY 9
is worshipped
like a King,
you are in for
much suffering.

When one is filled

with conceit
or pride,
by others he will
be cast aside.

Practicing Right
Speech you
must train.
Wrong Speech can
lead you to much pain.
One with an ignorant
or foolish mind,
will for certain have
more suffering time.

One who is lacking

in mindfulness
will meet with much
more unhappiness.

To be more peaceful,
one has to cut the Ego.
Only then will there be
the peace of Letting Go.
The End

Laughter is good for

both the mind
and body.
Laughter helps to
remove stress
and anxiety.

With Metta,
Bro. Oh Teik Bin


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