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Vianey Martinez

Dr. Santosh Khadka

English 113B

24 September 2019

Social Media Takes Over

Instagram is a social media outlet that launched on October 6th, 2010. Instagram allows

their users to upload and share photos with their friends and family using captions, comments

and private messages. Instagram was launched on October 06, 2010 it is a social media

application on a smart phone where you are allowed to take photos and upload it to share it and

communicate with your friends and family through captions and hashtags. These are considered

your followers and the people you choose to follow. The park is a public place in communities

that allows kids and families to spend time together. The first plaza in Los Angeles was “The

Town of Our Lady, Queen of Los Angeles” and was built first created in on September 4th, 1781

in Downtown Los Angeles. named “The Town of Our Lady, Queen of Los Angeles” which soon

The building of the plaza inspired the creation of many more parks and helped the park idea to

prevent juvenile delinquency. Social media has gradually taken over the significance of the park

and is affecting affected newer generations, because the park is a great way for people to

socialize outside of a digital world. Social media has affected the relationship between families,

adult responsibilities, and communication to the real world.

Social media has affected the relationship between families, because children and parents

are bonding less when excessively using social media. it has become an excessive use within

parents, it also has become a distraction to parents which can cause harm to children. This can

lead to child neglection, which potentially can harm the child. It has become more of use rather
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than spending time with kids and communicating with eye contact. Instagram is also a way to

express yourself, which has taken the bond from parents and children because the effect is shown

through a caption rather than face-to-face interactions. Denise A Contreras argues that, “Studies

have shown that frequent eye contact, one on one time, and undivided attention are necessary in

building a secure attachment between a parent and child.” (Contreras, 5). It is important for

parents and children to have a bond with each other in order to grow trust and communication.

Without proper bonding, trust, and communication, children are prone to develop unhealthy

social behaviors, which can influence their mental state. Although it may appear that parents are

using social media to share their child’s development and cherish long lasting memories, parents

need to remember that their children live through more than just a ‘like’ on a photo. Many

parents take children to the park, instead of bonding with kids and creating similar interest such

as an activity they create together or the park programs provide for toddlers, and youth to help

them grow and develop; parents get involved into their Instagram to show a picture or video of

their life at the moment. Denise A Contreras claims “Excessive use of social media has become

a problem in recent years, based on its ability to take away typical human interactions and

replace them with conversations through the use of technology.” Human interactions are

decreasing due to the increase usage of social media. Humans are no longer interacting face to

face with each other, which is causing humanity to lose their emotional and human feel. The use

of social media has increased that many human interacts are now based on social media rather

than actually socializing with one another at the face to face. As social media increased its users

of newer generations, it will soon make everyone wonder What is human interaction? Social

media was intended to bring all ages of people together from all over the world, but it seems

social media is drifting humanity away from each other by isolating them behind a screen.
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Social media has affected the transition from young adults to adults, because of the

popularity a photo or video has. This idea of being desperate for likes and shares on social media

can have a negative influence on a person that might do something for attention with no regards

to the affect it may cause short and long term. because many young adults have been influenced

by the amount of views and popularity for a video, or picture that can drastically impact their

life’s. According to the FOX news, (Fox 5) a video of a woman at the grocery store went viral

when she opened a sealed Blue Bell Creameries ice cream container and proceeded to lick and

contaminate the product while putting it back on the shelf. where she opens an ice cream

container licks the top and puts it right back in the self. The ice cream company, is aware Blue

Bell Creameries, is working on locating tracking down the women, but for now is making sure

the Ice creams on self are secure. A similar video went viral when a 15-year-old boy spat inside

of an Arizona Iced Tea container and placed it back on the shelf. This 15-year-old is facing a

second-degree felony. Another video also went viral this video was on a 15 year old boy who

now happens to face charges of second degree felony, due to him opening a bottle of Arizona

Iced Tea, spitting on it and putting it back. The woman and the young boy have both put their

whole future at risk over a video they thought that to them was humorous and would make them

gain popularity or views. Both the woman and the young boy might have not come across such

an idea had they been able to enjoy a day at the park. On the other hand, The park was created

for recreational activities as well as keeping young adults from juvenile detentions. Recreational

park created activities or programs for families such as; Dance, soccer, basketball, art, martial

arts. In these classes you have a teacher to guide you not only in through the program but also as

an adult. Throughout the years Social media has slowly taken over and affected the transition
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from young adults to adults because there is no real-life guidance outside of social media’s terms

and policies.

Social media has affected the communication within the real world. Many young adults

use social media as a form of communication to be able to socialize with people. live through

social media, such as dating, expressing, and making connections with others. Although many

young adults are still socializing through social media, “Instagram reaches the younger

generation, and appeals to diverse societies more prevailingly than other social networking

services (Abbott et al., 2013; Salomon, 2013). It has been reported that youngsters today spend

more time on Instagram than Facebook (Salomon, 2013)..... the sharing of images rather than

words alone has made communication with friends and broader groups of users who share

similar interests more ideal, convenient and fascinating (Bakhshi et al., 2013).” (Ting). Many

young adults spend more time on Instagram many young adults and are now used to

communicating behind a smart phone screen due to the intriguing content such as memes

pictures and videos. it is more freedom and have more connections with the memes, pictures and

captions that other add. Social media can improve your communication with in, but it will lack

your communication from the outside world as you can become insecure, and depression and

live of social media. Social media has allowed people to become more open and interactive

online, but in the real world, more people are becoming isolated, insecure, and depressed due to

the social media’s expectations. An example of social media’s expectations is the standard of

beauty. Too many people are becoming insecure and depressed because they do not want to be

judged by someone online for failing to meet social media’s expectations. As children grow up,

they are exposed to many things in the world, including a standard of beauty, but they are able to

interact with people in the real world to reassure their physical appearance has no affect to their
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character. the park provides with communication with others. There are many benefits of putting

aside the usage of social media and going outside. The park is a place for you to explore

yourself, to be able to know your talents and skills. It also provides play areas for kids to interact

and be healthy through exercise. Social media has taken over because there are more young

adults living their lives on social media behind a screen. Too often, people may misinterpret a

person’s comment on social media and might take offense. Being able to communicate face to

face allows for a healthier way of socializing as well as being able to communicate properly.

Young adult express themselves more comfortably and do not have limits. Also social media is a

reading based comment where anyone can misunderstand your language, or tone.

The usage of social media will continue to increase. As a society, we must be able to

limit ourselves and not fall victim to entrapment. In conclusion, we should not lose our skills of

communication that we have been taught, we should also be considerate for many of the newer

generations that will grow up and should be taught to make better choices for themselves. As we

continue to grow as a society, we must remain true to our fundamentals because the future

generation depends on it. Everyone has a voice and it should be used to better our future not

discriminate others based on how they look. People are being sucked into the realms of social

media without really taking into consideration their everyday lives and the effects it could have.

More people should start appreciating what they have outside of technology and explore through

their lives not on social media. Social media has been affecting the lives of the newer generations

by being misguided and having no authority figure. the absence of having authority that’s there

to correct them. Society must learn to detached themselves from social media before they lose

their humanity altogether.

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Work Cited

Bartiromo, Michael. “Texas Teen Spits into Arizona Iced Tea Bottle and Puts It Back on

Shelf, Gets Charged with Felony.” Fox News, FOX News Network, 19 July 2019,

Contreras, Denise. Distracted Parenting: How Social Media Affects Parent-Child

Attachment. June 2016,


“History.” History | City of Los Angeles Department of Recreation and Parks,

Ting, Hiram. Beliefs about the Use of Instagram: An Exploratory Study.


“Viral Video Shows Woman Lick Ice Cream before Returning It to Grocery Store Shelf.”

fox5sandiego.Com, 2 July 2019,


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