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On Suffering

Suffering or pain in a broad sense maybe an experience of unpleasantness and aversion

associated with the perception of harm in an individual. Suffering is the basic element that makes up the
negative valence of affective phenomena. .The opposite of suffering is pleasure or happiness. Suffering
is often categorized as physical or mental. It may come in all degrees of intensity, for mild to intolerable.
Factors of duration and frequency of occurrence usually compound that of intensity. Attitudes toward
suffering may vary widely in the sufferer or other people, according to how much it is regarded as
avoidable or unavoidable, useful or useless, deserved or undeserved. Every individual experience
suffering in life that makes them down and that causes mental illness.

Suffering occurs in the lives of sentient beings in numerous manners, often dramatically. As a
result, many fields of human activity are concerned with some aspects of suffering. These aspects may
include the nature of suffering. It’s processes, its origin and causes, its meaning and significance, its
related personal, social, and cultural. Some people are experiencing from suffering thinks that no one
loves them and cares for them. They think that people don’t like them and avoided them because they
are different from them. In that situation depression occurred and it might leads to suicide or killing
yourself because you are thinking that it might end the pain and your suffering. Another example
suffering is when you have an untreatable illness. You might suffer both physical and mental illness. You
are experiencing pain because of your illness and you thinks that you will die suffering this kinds of pain.
In order to overcome this kind of suffering you might interact with other people. In that way you might
forget the pain that you are experiencing because the people you are interacting with might be the
reason to forget that you suffers pain cause you are enjoying with their accompany. There are people
that takes you from suffering but the Almighty God finds a way for you to overcome the pain and to save
you from killing your own self. You can end your suffering in the way of making yourself happy and
believing yourself to overcome the challenges and struggles in life.

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