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Student Teacher’s Name: ADA NATHALIE SANCHEZ
Journal entry dates from 09/26/2019 to 11/21/2019

The following chart gives an account of my performance along with my pedagogical experience as a training teacher in online environments with
date entries, the link of the recorded videos in YouTube through Google Hangouts, and my reflections in regards of my strengths, weaknesses,
aspects to improve, feelings, observations, comments, etc.

# of Length of
Nr. Date Group Topic Link of YouTube video Reflections about the lesson and observations
students lesson
This was my very first lesson. It was a simple topic, but I think it was
useful for my students.

I consider that the selection of the YouTube video was satisfactory.
This teacher has a clear pronunciation and also good communication
I consider I made wise use of YouTube instead of playing the video for
6 minutes. I played it only a few minutes. I made my students explain
their video in their own words, which promoted their speaking and
participation. Also, I took advantage of the practice exercises
proposed in the video, and I manage to perform these activities live
1 09/26 A 3 Use of enough watch?v=j2jJImgjX1s&featu 01:06:00
during the class. It was a good idea to have a slide so that the students had a script for
doing his presentation.
I manage to cover the topic of the lesson and also the individual
presentation and class rules presentation during the same session.

I did not prepare enough material for the hour and a half.
I did not take notes when my students made the presentation, so I
had to revisit the recording in other to have the data.
This was my first class; I was confusing student's names a lot.
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Nr. Date Group Topic Link of YouTube video Reflections about the lesson and observations
students lesson

One of the students, Arlet, arrived in the middle of the class, during
the presentation part and caused some disruption with that.

This was my first lesson with this group, and only one student


I felt more confidence because this is the second time I am teaching

this lesson.
2 09/27 B 1 Use of enough 2o 00:38:00

Since my student had a good level of English, in the beginning, I felt

intimidated but his level, then I saw that I still could help him with his

I was not expecting just student to attend, so I did not have enough
material for just one person
This lesson only Keissy attended; in general, the class went smoothly.

The Kahoot activity went well, I already had experience with Kahoot,
so it made it smoother during the class.
3 10/01 A 1 watch?v=epZHJDE6WOk&fe 0:53:00 Weakness
ntable nouns For this lesson, I found a lot of external materials, but I was not able
to integrate them properly into the lesson.
I provide the students with a list of uncountable common nouns
because I thought it would be useful, but then I realized that I needed
an activity for them to use that list.
Uncountables/Cou It was hard at the beginning since the student was having problems
4 10/02 B 1 atch?v=6K9RTHicBiA 1:10:48
ntable nouns with the skype audio., we spent 15 minutes troubleshooting that
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students lesson
problem. Finally, I sent him a link for zoom meeting, and we were able
to continue the call through zoom. We left the skype call open so that
anyone could still join.

It was good that I had zoom as a backup plan in case Skype did not
work. Once in the zoom meeting, I was able to explain Stephen how
to correctly verify his audio set up in skype the next time


He wrote bizarre sentences. He followed the rules, but I knew the

sentences were not entirely correct. This is a piece of evidence that I
need to master this topic of the quantifiers because even I know
something sounds weird, I cannot tell the rule.

The student had an excellent performance in the exercises.

He learned some new vocabulary and was happy when I corrected
some of his pronunciation flaws. I think the class motivates him.

It was a hard class. All the students attended this class and made it a
little messy. It was the first session for some of the students, so I had
to give them time to introduce themselves to the rest of the class.
That caused a bit of disruption to the warm-up activity, so it did not
go as planned.

The students got interested in the topic of the reading and were able
Too much/Too to summarize and give their own opinions.
5 10/3 A 5 hd=1 1:45:39
At the end of the assessment, it was clear that most of the students,
except by one, still have doubts on how to use the quantifiers (too,
enough, too much, and too many).

A visual help would have made the warm-up activity easier
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students lesson
Despite all the difficulties, I managed to accomplish all the activities
on the agenda, but I had to take some minutes extra, so the class
lasted 1:45 minutes

Stephen was the only student who attended this lesson.

The student did not have any trouble with the exercises, so I would
need to find more challenging activities for him.
In terms of his oral production, he is good, but he has some flaws in
pronunciation, more especially in intonation.
During the reading, he learned some new vocabulary.

One of the students who has never joined tried to join, I welcome her,
but then she dropped the call. She has told me that he has a lot of
personal difficulties, she writes in the chat sad things. I don’t know
Too much/Too how to deal with that.
6 10/4 B 1 hd=1 0:55:04

I forgot to do the warm-up activity. The student was interested, but it

did not go well. This activity needs some visual aids so that it can be
more controlled.


It was a good idea to bring some material from the BBC to the class.
The student needed to be exposed to a different accent.

Today class was not easy. One of the students who never joins joined and started to talk in Spanish. I asked her to introduce herself, she
7 10/8 A 5 Comparative E 1:23:47 said that she had introduced herself to the last class, but I couldn't
remember what she said. I asked another student, and he could
remember neither.
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students lesson

On the other hand, Jeimy, who had had trouble understanding me

had an outstanding performance.

On the warm-up exercise, the students were happy to notice that I

included their photos in the material. All of the students participated
During the presentation, all of them, Mario, Yeimy, Keissy, and
Andrea, took part. By the time when the practice exercise started, I
lost Keissy and Andrea. I proceeded with Mario and Yeimy.
They were happy to participate in the Kahoot, and Yeimy was very
happy that she won. She enjoyed the game

In the last part of the class (the production phase ), I lost Yeimi. So
just Mario and me, continue to this part. He was having a lot of
connection problems, so I made it harder. In the end, Mario ended up
losing his connection. So, in conclusion, Mario was the only student
present during the whole class.


I don't know how to deal with students that are reluctant to speak in
English and want to speak Spanish during the whole class. It makes
me upset.

It was a good idea to have the warm-up activities customized for each

The class was, in general terms, smooth. Up to this class, I had always
had one single student (Stephen). This was the first class with three
8 10/09 B 3 Comparative hd=1 1:31:41
students, two new students who did not attend before.
# of Length of
Nr. Date Group Topic Link of YouTube video Reflections about the lesson and observations
students lesson
The students were motivated with the first activity; they needed to
express their opinion about an assumption I have of another

Students were interested in Educaplay activity. They overwhelmed

when I asked them to identify the speaker's accents.

The production activity where they were supposed to compare two

cities went well too. However, it was too basic for them only to ask
them for a single sentence. I tried to correct this during the lesson and
make them create more sentences. This activity was ok for the other
group, but perhaps too easy for this one who has a higher level.

I don't know to "tone down" my level so that all students can
understand. In this group, this causes problems for Leidy.

I can help my students with their pronunciation problems.

I did not count on the right attitude from my only student.

Just Keissy joined the class. She is always reluctant to share his
webcam. I notice she was not feeling well. So, I stopped the lesson
and asked her if she was feeling right. She said we should continue.

The warm-up activity did not go well. I'm not sure if she was not able
to catch all the comparatives word, or she was too lazy to participate.
I have to cancel the activity.
9 10/10 A 1 Superlative hd=1 0:58:53
Then I started reproducing the video without subtitles. But again, she
was not very into it. I almost force her to provide the answers.

The practice activity was just too easy for her. The production activity
also went wrong because she read. I need to change this activity so
that students don't just read but produce their utterances.
# of Length of
Nr. Date Group Topic Link of YouTube video Reflections about the lesson and observations
students lesson
I don't know how to deal with the different moods of my students.
Their attitude affects me.

It was a dull session, even though this group has a much open attitude
to the class than the other group. This group is willing to share the
webcam, and that improves the communication a lot. However, the
students were not interested anymore in the monsters factory., as they were in the latest class- The practice activity is too easy for this level. Still, I did not have time to change it and make it more
10 10/11 B 3 Superlative 1:20:00
challenging. Stephen who is always motivated got bored also, and did
not run an additional mile in the production activity,
The skype app crashed a couple of times during the meeting. So that's
why I have two videos

This class was hard again. Mario keeps taking control of the screen, so
it makes the lesson confusing. I have told him not to do so, but it
seems like he cannot help it. The fact that I need to retrieve the
screen share from him many times during the class seems is making
the skype app crash. During this session, the app crashed three times,
so the lesson got messy.

Students, in general, had a hard time trying to listen to the audio. I had to put it three times. That audio was English from VOA (Voice of
Relative Clauses -
11 10/15 A ?hd=1 1:48:23 America), so it is curated for the intermediate level. Still, my students
had difficulty understanding it, even Keissy, who has a reasonable
The video was smoother for them; the video had a lot of words and
visual aids. It took a while to assure that everyone understands the
Adjective Clause. I had to explain to Andrea in Spanish because she
does not use English at all. So it is very demanding to have to wait for
her and explain everything in Spanish to her.
Yeimy left the class soon, she said a storm was coming, and after
some minutes she left
# of Length of
Nr. Date Group Topic Link of YouTube video Reflections about the lesson and observations
students lesson
This lesson had two new students, Angela and Liseth. Liseth belongs
to group 13, but she asked to be in the 13 only for this week.
The topic of the class is very grammatical, and students had problems
understanding the concept of a Clause. In the previous knowledge
section, they say they did not know. I think it is strange because that's
is a topic they were supposed to have studied already as part of Unit
Relative Clauses -
12 10/16 B 1:57:12 1. After almost an hour, I manage the group to finally understand
what a clause is and how to recognize an adjective/relative clause. I
had to use L1 with Liseth.
I don't feel strongly about this topic. I took a text from a book, and
have adapted to the class, I studied some lesson but still, I don't feel
confident with this topic. I will try to get more optimistic about this
topic for the next class.
This was my best class so far. I had a lot of fun and my students too.
I had success implementing some games in the virtual classroom using
my cellphone and an application caller vysor.

The “where’s Javier “activity was successful, and students had fun. For
Relative Clauses – the first time, they feel they were part of a team.
13 10/17 A Relative pronouns watch?v=OJlX0xqzWQE&fea 01:55:10 I am thrilled with the results of this class.
usage Kudos to myself

As an improvement, I still need to get stronger in the relatives clause,

and I still do not understand the specific cases where "that" can be
used when referring to a person.

Today I had two students, Angela and Stephen. I was going to start
the recording of the lesson, but at that moment, Stephen arrived.
For the first game, Stephen was motivated because he was practicing
speaking, Angela arrived late and disrupted this part. Angela
Relative Clauses –
understood the game, but she showed to lack the vocabulary for the
14 10/18 B 2 Relative pronouns Q?hd=1 1:39:18
game, so she took longer during his turn. This made Stephen get
During the AKA video, they had a better performance in comparison
to the other group, but they did not enjoy the video as the other
group. I guess this was due to the cultural difference between the two
# of Length of
Nr. Date Group Topic Link of YouTube video Reflections about the lesson and observations
students lesson
groups Group A is made up of people from the Caribbean Coast, and
group B is made up of people for the Andean Region. So, it made
evident that cultural differences affect my classes.
During the grammar explanation, I lost Stephen attention, I was not
able to fix this Angela was having a lot of internet connection during
the class, and that causes a lot of disruption and delay,
The where’s Javier activity called students attention and keep them
busy, but again Angela lacked the vocabulary for that activity.
I had an issue with pronunciation between the words Button and
Bottom, and I cannot differentiate the pronunciation of those words.
In the end, we corrected the quiz just with Stephen, and I still cannot
explain this quiz well.

Only Stephen attended.

Some parts of the class did not go well.

Stephen played the warm-up activity without he being authenticated,
so I did not get the results
He has also said that the quiz page did not load for him, which is
strange because hit loaded for me.

The topic was quite easy for him, but I think he could still learn new things for the class
How to use who
15 10/23 B 1 sLM?hd=1 1:10:30 Weaknesses:
and whom
I am not yet very strong with this topic, so sometimes, I hesitate.
Something happened with the videos, and the audio was awful, I had
the original video, so I was able to play and continue with the class.

I was able to correct Stephen's sentences when he was trying to
create a sentence with a preposition.
# of Length of
Nr. Date Group Topic Link of YouTube video Reflections about the lesson and observations
students lesson
Students got late for the lessons, so I started the recording without
them. As they were arrived as I was integrated them into the class.
The first to join was Keissy ( 10 minutes late), then Mario and then

The students, in general, did an excellent job during the class
How to use who Strengths
16 10/24 A 3 ?hd=1 1:45:23
and whom I was more prepared for today's class than for yesterday's, so I felt
more confident
I guide myself with tools like Grammarly.
Weaknesses I am not strong enough with this topic to solve questions
my students have, but I guide myself with tools like Grammarly.

It was, in general, a good class.

The warm-up activity did not go as planned because only a student
was present at the moment, so I had to change it. When the second
student joined, I did not have the chance to go to the original plan, so
nothing I could do. Students enjoyed the activity, but I knew it was
not as planned.

I designed a challenging activity for the production stage
17 10/25 B 2 How To use whose MKRRcUM8Yc?hd=1 1:35:00
I was not strong enough on the topic to provide feedback in the
production stage. I was able to help students, but I knew some
sentences were not quite well yet, and I was not able to fix them.

The dictation exercise was interesting for the students. Both of them
enjoyed and learned how to pronounce "mayor" Some learned the
word preacher. The warm-up activity was not as successful, and I thought. Students
How to use who’s
18 10/29 A 3 9eo?hd=1 1:48:24 were not that interested, even when we were discussing their lives.
and whose
# of Length of
Nr. Date Group Topic Link of YouTube video Reflections about the lesson and observations
students lesson
For this session, I felt more prepared for the one with the other
group, so I managed the production activities much better.
Finally, I managed that the students participate orally in the
production sections without simply reading things they find on the

Only Mario took part in the dictation exercise enthusiastically, Keiisy

barely took part and was too challenging for Arlet.

Video is also available in This class went smooth. The student was interested, and they paid
this drive. attention to the class. Strengths
8mvTu1cQuH-L8Z/view I did well on introducing the importance of the topic, and this made
Past Tense &
19 10/30 B 3 1:37:12 the lesson relevant to the students.
Perfect Past
(Blocked by Youtube) Weakness Sometimes I failed to foresee the vocabulary that is going to be
atch?v=MfLFTmGAZqA&fea difficult in an activity, and I was unable to prepare an explanation for that vocabulary in advance

This class was unusual since I was on a trip; I had to make the call with
a different configuration, so I ended up having problems with the
audio during the recording. Strengths
Past Tense &
20 10/31 A 5 tZo 1:41:40
Perfect Past
This time was familiar with YouTube copyright policies, so I was more
careful with the music I used for the class.
I like the itinerary exercise because it made the students analyze a
chart in English.
# of Length of
Nr. Date Group Topic Link of YouTube video Reflections about the lesson and observations
students lesson
While the students were working on the lyricstraining platform, I did
not have much visibility of what they were doing, so it made that part
of the lesson quite tedious.

The session went smooth. This is the second time I taught this topic,
so I felt more confident than the first time.

I have learned how to involve the students in the presentation part so
that I don’t have to talk much.
Pronunciation of
21 11/1 B 1 Regular verbs in 1c?hd=1 1:39:01 I created the production activity so that the students could be
the past tense creative, but also I provided a scaffold so that students knew how to
pronounced the verb when reading it.


I don’t know how to recognize a voiced sound just by the vibration of

my vocal cords, so I need to resort to phonetics dictionaries a lot.
The session was interesting for the students. The warm-up activity
with the riddles were not that successful as It was with the other

The student did not know much about phonetics even though they
Pronunciation of already took the course at Unad. Today was the first class where all
22 11/5 A 6 Regular verbs in co?hd=1 1:59:32 the students attended the lesson which makes it harder for me to
the past tense deal with the whole group

For the presentation part, it was good to have a different video for
different levels so that everyone could watch a video that was curated
to their level.
# of Length of
Nr. Date Group Topic Link of YouTube video Reflections about the lesson and observations
students lesson

It was hard for me to deal with the whole group. The worksheet got a
bit of messy with eight people editing it at the same time; next time, I
need to plan so that students can work in turns.

At the end of the class, students wanted to finish all the activities for
the lessons even when the class time was over.ñ

Only Stephen attended.

The class went smooth. The student was willing to do the proposed
activities, showing a positive attitude.

Simple Past vs
23 11/6 B 1 a8?hd=1 1:44:37 The Never Have I Ever game was very appealing to the student. It was
Present Perfect
a pleasant opportunity to practice the "I have never" structure and
the pronunciation of the past tenses. Besides, it was a fun way of
getting to know each other better and to learn new vocabulary.

I’m having trouble managing the time of the class.

The class did not go well. The student did not understand the warm-
up activity, no sure why.
Simple Past vs
24 11/7 A 6 watch?v=5rhgzmzrKz0&feat 1:39:03
Present Perfect Students did not understand the production activity game, the video had the subtitles on, but still, they were not able to understand. Also,
they needed to share their webcam and bring a glass of water but
# of Length of
Nr. Date Group Topic Link of YouTube video Reflections about the lesson and observations
students lesson
were reluctant to participate. I was able to “save the day” by doing a
change to the activity.

I managed to "save the day" by doing a change to the production

I can use the poll functionality of Skype to make some quick vocations
during the class

It is hard to prepare materials that are adapted to different levels of
English in a single lesson.

The class went well, but we had some technical problems when one
of the students were sharing the screen.

The board game adaptation to the online environment went well.
Students engaged in the activity.
Simple Past vs
25 11/8 2 Zc 1:50:50 Weaknesses
Past Progressive
I need to learn how to prepare material for the different levels of the
The exercises proposed in the practice section were not challenging
enough for the students that attended class; however, more
complicated tasks would have been too hard for the rest of the

Simple Past vs The class was a mess.

26 11/12 A 5 1:47:15
Past Progressive AiU Andrea arrived in the middle of the class.
# of Length of
Nr. Date Group Topic Link of YouTube video Reflections about the lesson and observations
students lesson
Keissy left in the middle of the class and rejoined after 20 minutes
causing a lot of disruption
I did not have enough time to do the practice activity, so I went
straight to the production activity, which was a mess. I had to leave it
as homework.
The presentation part was too long; it took me a lot. The student took
a lot to come up with suitable examples.

I’m experiencing class management issues
I use Spanish for students that do not understand, but then the others
who can understand start to use Spanish too.


This is the second last class and still have a good level of attendance
to the lessons,
The class went well.
The question at the beginning of the class was intended to activate
interest in my only student, Stephen, who is a musician.

The practice activity went well; however, it was a bit challenging for
my students at some points. I would need to change it for the other
group since they have a lower level.

Past Perfect I managed to make the presentation participative when combining
27 11/13 B 1 w?hd=1 1:12:40
Progressive the educaplay video quiz with my slides.

The night before the activity was enjoyable for my students because
she felt identified with the scenario; however, I should have brought
more images because he finished with the one very quickly.

I underestimate my students' abilities, so we were able to finish all
activities quicker than I thought
# of Length of
Nr. Date Group Topic Link of YouTube video Reflections about the lesson and observations
students lesson

Students arrived late to the class, so the first 10 or 15 minutes, I was

on my own.

The first student was Andrea, so I encouraged her to practice on the

English Central platform, but she happened to join the class from a
cell phone so that we couldn't do much.

The presentation part went well, but the practice exercise ended up
consuming all the remaining time of the class.
It was very challenging for my students, so I had to make a lot of
explanations in between. In the end, I managed to get the topic understood but took all of the lessons.
Past Perfect
28 11/14 A 4 _kQ?hd=1 1:58:58
I don’t know how to manage when a students does not want to do
something and find all possible excuses for not doing it.

I managed to make the topic understood for all of the students that
attended and stayed during the whole class

No such an exciting class.

My students got bored at some point with so much reading.
29 11/15 B 2 Session 15 1:09:48 The writing exercise was not challenging enough for my students.
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Nr. Date Group Topic Link of YouTube video Reflections about the lesson and observations
students lesson
The find the error exercise was challenging for my students.


The presentation used was not very appealing for the students
I don't know how to deal very well with the students that arrive late
for the class.

Good Class.


I was stronger in this session I felt more confident I manage to have all the students to participate
30 11/19 A 3 Session 15 ww?hd=1 1:46:20

My explanations at some point were not very clear, so not all the
students were able to understand.
I made a mistake in one of the examples, and students notice it.

Mario The final exam with this group did not go as planned. Students were not able to perform all of the tests using the platform.
watch?v=uzFzyRQDhME&fe 00:12 Strengths

I did not depend on technology I was still able to perform part of the
31 11/20 A 3 Session 16 Arlet test despite any technical issues EnglishCentral is good choice for testing oral skills. It also helps the
watch?v=Z2SJrjFSHzg&featu students to automate some grammatical structures in context Weakness
The limitations that free accounts have was a constraint to my test.
Andrea Angarita 00:23 I have some students with poor internet connections; the platform
does not work well under such conditions.
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Nr. Date Group Topic Link of YouTube video Reflections about the lesson and observations
students lesson
Stephen The final exam with this group went partially as planned. One of the students was thoroughly familiar with the platform and did well on
00:23 the test, while the other tried to take the exam from a cell phone with
watch?v=sRxIMAZH01w&fe some issue and had to create the account during the exam.

When a student tries to sabotage the class, it makes me nervous. It is
32 11/21 B 2 Session 16 Angela hard for me to regain self-trust and get back control over the lesson.
watch?v=uit- 00:12 Weakness
GQs1k88& The limitations that free accounts have was a constraint to my test.
I have some students with poor internet connections; the platform
does not work well under such conditions.

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