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Small Talk Conversation

Grup 4


1. Gotzie
2. Sichi
3. Johnny
4. Tom (191524032)

Gotzie : “Hei Sichi!”

Sichi : “Hei Gotzie! Who’s with you?”
Gotzie : “Let me Introduce you to my friend Tom.”
Sichi : “Hei Tom!My name is Sichi. Nice to meet you.”
Tom : “Oh Hei Sichi, nice to meet you to.”
Gotzie : “Well, can you introduce me who’s with you?”
Sichi : “Oh pardon me, let me introduce him to you. He is my friend Johnny.”
Marcel & Tom : “ Hai Johnny, nice to meet you!”
Johnny : “Hei guys, nice to meet you too.”

Gotzie: “Sichi, how is your family?”

Sichi : “My family are really well now. How about you?”
Gotzie : “My family are really well too. By the way Johnny, can I know more about your family?”
Johnny: “Sure, you can ask me anything.”
Gotzie: “How many members are in your family?”
Johnny: “There are … members in my family, there are my father, my mother, my sister,…”
Sichi: “How old is your sister?”
Johnny: “She is now … years old”
Tom: “Hmmm… Interesting. How about you Gotzie, How about you gotzie, do you have any brother
or sister?”
Gotzie: “Yes I have a brother, He is a freelancer.”
Sichi: “Gotzie, don’t you far away with your family right now?”
Gotzie: “Yes, I am.”
Tom: “Do you miss your family?”
Gotzie : “Yes I often miss them. But I have a lot of friends in Polban, so I won’t be too lonely.”
Johnny: “ How about you, Tom?Do you also far from home right now?”
Tom: “No, I don’t. Actually i still live with my family since child here in Bandung.”
Sichi: “So what your adress? maybe we can stop by sometime.”
Gotzie: “Yeah, that would be cool!”
Tom: I live at Artabahana St. No.1 Cibaligo Cihanjuang.”
Johnny: “How far is your house to campus?”
Tom: “Is not far, the distance is about 2 Km. You can go ride with your motobike about 15 minutes
long. Not long isn’t.”
Sichi: “Waw, that is so close.”
Tom: “Ok, stop talking about me, I want to know about you Sichi, how is your family?”
Sichi: “I have father, mother, brother…”
Johnny: “That is so sweet.”
Gotzie: “Ok guys, I think we are have a great time today, right?”
Johnny: “Right, Let’s continue this later, shall we?”
Sichi: “Ok then, nice to meet you all guys!”
Tom : “Yeah nice to meet you too guys!”
Gotzie : “ Goodbye!”
Johnny :”Bye!”

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