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Verbs to be and to have

1. Work on the model:

Jane / green eyes (blue)
Jane has green eyes. She doesn’t have blue eyes.

Alex / young (old)

Andreea / a dog ( a cat)
John / 12 ( 10)
She / happy (sad)
They / playing. (sleeping)
I / hungry ( thirsty)
He / a car ( a bycicle)
Mihai / a policeman ( a fireman)
Luke / a flower. ( a stone)

2. Complete the sentence with the right verb.

Ana ………… playing in the park.
He ……….. a big house.
They ………..happy because they ………. two candies.
He ………. A policeman. His father ……… a doctor and his mother ……… a vet.
John ……….. blue eyes. He likes to play football. When he ……… sad, he watches a football game.
Alex ……… at home right now. He ………. a dog to take care of.
When it …….. rainy you need to …….. an umbrella with you.
A musician ……… the person who can play the piano.
A book ……….. many pages.
The dog ……… outside the house.
She ………. two dogs and a small cat. She …….. very happy when she plays with them.
Maria and Ioana ………. three books on the table. Maria and Ioana ……. at home right now and they can
A policeman ……. The person who takes care of the citizens.
She ……… happy. She ……….. sad.
They dance when the music is playing, this means they ………. happy.

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