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RG: 10


cosmographical matters
Dr.Bhawaan Tatavarthy and Pandit. Ramanadha Sastry Lanka.

Cosmographical matters includes Daily motions in minutes or angular motions of planets; Yojana means
3 miles approximately; Oblique sphere; Positions where some signs are always invisible; The beginning
of the day to Gods and Demons; There is no equinoctial shadow at the equator; Situation of the great
Ocean; The position of mountain Meru; Order of the orbits of the stars and planets situated one
below the other; The secret knowledge; Sun’s revolution and about Earth.

The Supreme Being is called Vasudeva, entering nature made the water and put his influence in it.
This became a golden egg involved in darkness. In this egg the eternal Aniruddha first became
manifest. He is called Aditya from his first appearance and Surya on account of the production of
excellent light for the destruction of darkness. This maker of the three states of animate things,
illuminating the world. This self light, destroyer of darkness is denominated intelligence. The Rig-
veda is his disc, Sama-vea his rays and Yajur-veda his body. Aniruddha, consisting of three Vedas is
time itself, cause of time, all pervading, universal sprit, omnivagous and supreme soul and the
whole universe depends on him. Riding on the car of universe to which are attached the wheel of
the year and the horses of the seven metros, revolves at all times. Three fourths of Aniruddha are
hid in the heavens one fourth is this manifest universe. That able Aniruddha generated Brahma
consciousness for creation of universe. HAVING BESTOWED THE EXCELLENT Vedas on Brahma the
grand - father of all people and placed him in the middle of the golden egg Aniruddha himself
revolves and illuminates the universe. The Brahma bearing the form of consciousness thought of
creation. The Moon sprung from mind and the Sun a treasure of lights from eyes. From Brahma’s
mind sprung other, from other air, fire, water earth successively. Thus the five preliminary
elements were produced, by the superposition of quality.

The Sun and Moon are respectively of the nature of fire and water and the five minor planets i.e.
Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn sprung severely from fire, earth, ether, water and air.

Brahma, divided a circle, invented by him into 12 parts naming it the Rasi-vritta, and the same
circle into 27 parts naming it as Nakshatra-vritta. Having created things of different natures by
compounding in various proportions the best, middling and worst qualities. Brahma made the
universe containing Gods and animate and inanimate things.Having created successively
according to their qualities and actions, the able Brahma arranged the planets, asterisms, stars,
the earth, worlds, Gods, Demons, men , regularly at proper places and times in the way
mentioned in the Vedas. This Brahmandaor golden egg is hollow, in this the words are situated. It
is like a casket formed by two Katahas or rrying vessels and of a spherical shape.
The circumference of the middle of the Brahmanda is called Vyomakaksha or the orbit of heaven.
In it all the stars revolve. Beneath them All the seven planets revolve one below the other,
beneath them Vidyadhara and clouds are situated,

The terrestrial globe, possessing Brahma’s excellent power of steadiness, remains in space at the
centre of the Brahmanda all around. The seven Patala Bhumis or infernal regions formed by the
concave strata of the earth are very beautiful, being inhabited by Nagas or serpents and Asuras or
Demons having the liquors of the divine planets.

The golden mountain Meru containing heaps of various precious stones, passes through the
middle of the terrestrial globe. The Gods with Indra and great holy sages inhabit the top of the
Meru while the Asuras are at the bottom and they hate each other.

The great ocean encircles the Meru, it is like a gridle or Zone to the earth and separates the
regions of the Gods and the Asuras or Demons.Around the middle of the Meru in the directions of
the east etc., and at equal distance s in the ocean are the four cities made by Gods jn the different
Dwipas. To the east of the Meru at a fourth part of the earth’s circumference in the Bhadraswa
varsha or a division of continent is the city Yama-koti having golden ramparts and arched
gateways. So to the south in the Brarata-varsha there is the great city called Lanka, to the west in
the Ketumala-varsha there is the city called Romaka. To the north in the Kuru-varsha there is the
city called Siddha-puri. Liberal and devout men being free from pain inhabit that city. These four
cities are situated at a distance equal to the fourth part of the earth’s circumferences from each
other and the Meru sacred to the Gods is north of them at the same distance.

When the Sun is at the equinotical, he passes through the zenith of these cities and therefore,
there is neither equinoctial shadow nor elevation of the terrestrial axis at these cities.

On both sides of the Meru6the two polar stars are situated in the heaven at their zenith. These
two stars are in the horizon of the cities situated on the equinoctial regions. Since the polar stars
are in the horizon of the cities, there is no elevation of the terrestrial axis the co-latitude is 90
degrees, so the latitude at Meru is 90 degrees.

When the Sun is above the regions of Gods, he first appears to Gods at the first point of Aries, but
the Asuras he first appears at the point of Libra, when the sun is going above the regions of the

Owing to this the Sun’s rays are vehement in summer in the Gods regions and in winter in the
Asuras regions. Conversely they are weak.

The Gods and Asuras behold the Sun in the horizon at the equinoxes. The two periods in which
the Sun is in the northern and southern hemispheres are mutually the day and night to the Gods
and Asuras. The Sun at the first point of Aries, risen to the inhabitant of the Meru and passing the
three following signs completes the first half of the day.. So he passing Cancer and others
completes the second half of the day. In the same manner the three signs Libra etc, and other
three Capricorn etc
Therefore their day and night are mutually reverse and the length of their Nyethemeron arises
from the completion of the Sun’s revolution. Their midday and midnight happens at the time of
the solstices reversely. The Gods and Demons consider themselves each above the other. The
others likewise who are situated diametrically opposed as the inhabitants of the Bhadraswa and
Ketumala and those of Lanka and Siddhapuri, consider themselves one below the other. Thus
everywhere on the terrestrial globe, people suppose their own place higher, because this globe is
in space where there is no above and below. All people around their own place behold the Earth,
though globular of the form of a circular plain, on account of the smallness of their bodies.

This starry sphere revolves horizontally to left to the Gods and to right to the Asuras. But at the
equator always revolves vertically to west. At the equator, therefore, the day is always of 30
Ghatikas and the length of the night is also the same and at the regions of the Gods and those of
the Asuras the day and night always increase and decrease reversely. When the Sun is in the signs
Aries etc the increase of the length of the day and the decrease of the length of the night become
more and more at the regions of the Gods, but at those of the Asuras the reverse of this takes

When the Sun is in the signs, Libra etc, the decrease and increase both of the day and night are
the reverse. The knowledge of this at every day from the given place and the Sun’s declination is
described before.

Multiply the Earth’s circumference by the number of degrees of the Sun’s declination and divide
the product by 360 degrees. The Sun passes through the zenith at a distance of Yojanas equal to
the quotient from the equator

In the same manner find the number of Yojanas from the Sun’s greatest declination and subtract
the number from the fourth part of the Earth’s circumference. Then at a solstice, the day or night
becomes of 60 Ghatikas once in a year at the distance in Yojanas equal to the remainder from the
equator in the regions of the Gods and the Asuras reversely. At places between them the day and
night increase and decrease within the 60 Ghatikas. Beyond that the starry sphere revolves in an
opposite manner.

Find the Yojanas from the declination which arises from the sine of two signs and subtract the
Yojanas from the forth part of the Earth’s circumference. At the distance equal to remaining
Yojanas from the equator in the regions of the Gods, the Sun, situated at Sagittarius and
Capricorn, is never seen. From the fourth part of the Earth’s circumference subtract the Yojanas
found from the declination of one sign. At the distance of the remaining Yojanas from the
equator, the Sun never appears in the regions of the Gods when he is in Sagittarius, Capricorn,
Scorpie and Aquarius, but in the regions of the Asuras. The Gods at the Meru behold the Sun
constantly as long as he is six signs Aries and co, so the Asuras as long as he is in Libra and co.

At the distance of the fifteenth part of the Earth’s circumference,in the regions of the Gods or the

At places between them the guemonic shadow may be north or south at noon. Beyond this limit it
falls towards the ends of the Meru. The Sun when arrived at the zenith of Bhadraswa or Yamakoti
makes his rising in Bharata or Lanka, midnight in Ketumala or Ramaka and setting in Kuru or
Siddapuri. In the same manner, the Sun revolving from east to west makes the midnight, rising,
midnight and setting in the Varshas.

To one who is going to the end of the Meru, the elevation of the polar star and the inclination of
the starry sphere increase and to one going towards the equater, the reverse is the case with the
inclination and elevation.

The starry sphere, bound at its two poles, being struck with the Pravaha winds revolves
constantly, the orbits of the phases confined within it in regular order. On the Earth the Gods and
Demons behold the Sun constantly above the horizon throughout half the year and men
throughout their day, so the Pitris situated on the upper part of the Moon throughout a fortnight.
The orbit of the upper is greater than that of the lower and the degrees of the greater orbit are
greater than those of the smaller. A planet revolving in a smaller orbit makes many revolutions
while the slow moving Saturn going in a greater orbit makes a few.

Every fourth of the planets reckoning from Saturn is the ruler of a day in succession. In the same
manner, every third planet, reckoning from Saturn. Reckoning from the Moon, the planets above
her are called the rulers of the months. And from Saturn one below the other are successively the
rulers of the hours.

The Suns orbit multiplied by 60 gives the middle circle of the starry sphere. This circle of the stars
of so many Yojanas revolves above all. Multiply the number of the said revolutions of the Moon in
a Kalpa by the Moon’s orbit, the product is equal to the orbit of heaven, to this the rays of the Sun

The same being divided by the number of revolutions of a planet, by the number of terrestrial
days in a Kalpa, the quotient is called the daily motion of all the planets to the east.

Multiply this number of Yojanas of the daily motion by the Moon’s orbit and divide the product by
the orbit of the planet, the quotient being divided by 15 gives the number of minutes of the
motion. The orbit s multiplied by the Earth’s diameter and divided by the circumference of the
Earth gives the diameter and divided by 2 give the distances of the planets. The orbit of the Moon
is 324000 yojanas and that of Mercury beyond the Moon is 1013200. That of the Venus os
2664637 beyond that of the Sun, Mercury and Venus is 4331500. That of Mars is 8146909 and
that of Moon’s apogee is 38328484. That of Jupiter is 51375764 and that of Moons ascending
node is 80572864. That of Saturn is 127668255 and that of the fixed stars is 359890012. The
circumference of the sphere of the Brahmanda in which the Sun’s rays spread is
18712080864000000 Yojanas.

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