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a. We saw her duck

- We looked at a duck that belonged to her
- We looked at her quickly squat down to avoid something
b. He fed her cat food
- He fed woman’s cat some food
- He fed woman a cat food
c. I see the dog with one eye
- I see a dog which has one eye
- I see a dog with my side eye

One word several meaning

a. Run
- My dog loves to run in the park
- She runs a very successful business
- The bus company runs a regular weekend service
- Don’t leave your car engine running
b. Break
- Don’t break the glass
- They enjoys they break time
- I want to break free
- Don’t break the rules
c. Turn
- She turned around and smile
- It is your turn to wash the dishes
- When you get the T junction turn right

One meaning several form

a. I must be off
b. I am gone
c. Thanks for your time, bye
d. I really have to go

a. How are you?

b. How do you do?
c. How’s life?
d. What’s up?
e. How is it going?
a. Can you please tell me how do I get to market?
b. How can I get the nearest market?
c. Where is the market can you tell me please.

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