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Learning Style Questionnaire

DIRECTIONS: Each item presents two choices. Select the alternative that best describes you.
In cases in which neither choice suits you, select the one that is closer to your preference. Write
the letter of your choice in the blank to the right of each item.

Part One

____ 1. I would prefer to follow a set of: B

a. oral directions
b. written directions

____ 2. I would prefer to: A

a. attend a lecture given by a famous psychologist
b. read an article written by the psychologist

____ 3. When I am introduced to someone, it is easier for me to remember the person’s: A

a. name
b. face

____ 4. I find it easier to learn new information using: B

a. language (words)
b. images (pictures)

____ 5. I prefer classes in which the instructor: B

a. lectures and answers questions
b. uses films and videos

____ 6. To follow current events, I would prefer to: B

a. listen to the news on the radio
b. read the paper

____ 7. To learn how to operate a fax machine, I would prefer to: B

a. listen to a friend’s explanation
b. watch a demonstration

Part Two

____ 8. I would prefer to: A

a. work with facts and details
b. construct theories and ideas

____ 9. I would prefer a job involving: A

a. following specific instructions
b. reading, writing, analyzing

____ 10. I prefer to: A

a. solve math problems using a formula
b. discover why the formula works

____ 11. I would prefer to write a term paper explaining: A

a. how a process works
b. a theory

____ 12. I prefer tasks that require me to: A

a. follow careful, detailed instructions
b. use reasoning and critical analysis

____ 13. For a criminal justice course, I would prefer to: A

a. discover how and when a law can be used
b. learn how and why it became law

____ 14. To learn more about the operation of a high-speed computer printer, I would prefer to:
a. work with several types of printers
b. understand the principles on which they operate

Part Three

____ 15. To solve a math problem, I would prefer to: A

a. draw or visualize the problem
b. study a sample problem and use it as a model

____ 16. To best remember something, I: B

a. create a mental picture
b. write it down

____ 17. Assembling a bicycle from a diagram would be: B

a. easy
b. challenging
____ 18. I prefer classes in which I: A
a. handle equipment or work with models
b. participate in a class discussion

____ 19. To understand and remember how a machine works, I would: B

a. draw a diagram
b. write notes

____ 20. I enjoy: A

a. drawing or working with my hands
b. speaking, writing, listening

____ 21. If I were trying to locate an office on an unfamiliar campus, I would prefer: B
a. a map
b. written directions

Part Four

____ 22. For a grade in a biology lab, I would prefer to: A

a. work with a partner
b. work alone

____ 23. When faced with a difficult personal problem, I prefer to: A
a. discuss it with others
b. resolve it myself

____ 24. Many instructors could improve their classes by: B

a. including more discussion and group activities
b. allowing students to work on their own more frequently

____ 25. When listening to a lecturer or speaker, I respond more to the: A

a. person presenting the ideas
b. ideas themselves

____ 26. When on a team project, I prefer to: B

a. work with several team members
b. divide the tasks and complete those assigned to me

____ 27. I prefer to shop and do errands: B

a. with friends
b. by myself

____ 28. A job in a busy office is: B

a. more appealing than working alone
b. less appealing than working alone

Part Five

____ 29. To make decisions, I rely on: A

a. my experiences and gut feelings
b. facts and objective data

____ 30. To complete a task, I: B

a. can use whatever is available to get the job done
b. must have everything I need at hand

____ 31. I prefer to express my ideas and feelings through: A

a. music, songs, or poetry
b. direct, concise language

____ 32. I prefer instructors who: B

a. allow students to be guided by their own interests
b. make their expectations clear and explicit

____ 33. I tend to: B

a. challenge and question what I hear and read
b. accept what I hear and read

____ 34. I prefer: A

a. essay exams
b. objective exams

____ 35. In completing an assignment, I prefer to: B

a. figure out my own approach
b. be told exactly what to do
Part One: Visual
● Visual learners rely more on learning from reading, studying pictures, reading diagrams
and graphs, etc. This type of student learns more efficiently by having items in front of
them versus hearing them auditorily. Knowing if a student learns through auditory versus
visual is important because the teacher can find content that better suits the student to
help them understand the material. For visual learners, I would include PowerPoints,
videos, and printed out readings/handouts to help these students. For auditory learners,
the act of me lecturing can help students, and videos/PowerPoints also benefit these
students. When it comes to the readings/handouts, as a teacher, I would read them aloud.
Part Two: Applied
● Applied learners prefer a more hands-on approach to learning especially where practical
and real-life examples are more ideal. Thus, a student is able to visualize and grasp a
concept easier. For example, instead of reading about cooking, it is more beneficial for
the applied learner to actually try cooking a dish. Knowing if a student is an applied
learner is important because a teacher can incorporate more hands-on learning in their
classroom. It is also important to know if a student is a conceptual learner because these
learners prefer language and ideas and don’t need a hands-on learning experience. In a
classroom, a teacher can have students work on a concept that is hands-on aside from
explaining it. For example, if a class is learning about the effects that mentos have on
coca-cola, the teacher can bring in actual mentos and coke and demonstrate what
happens. The teacher can even have students try this experiment themselves.
Part Three: Verbal
● Verbal learners prefer to use verbal and language skills versus spatial learners who are
able to visualize and mentally see how things work. Verbal learners prefer assignments
such as presenting or writing essays. It is important to know this type of learning style
because a teacher can create projects that interest a student. For example, if the student is
verbal, instead of having them draw a picture of a concept, they can write about the
concept. A strategy that can be used that can be effective is to always come up with more
than one way to tap into a students’ modality of learning. Thus, if a student prefers to
write, let them.
Part Four: Independent
● Independent learners prefer to work and study alone as they are more self-directed, self-
motivated, and goal-oriented which differs from social learners who prefer to work with
others and are more people-oriented. It is imperative to find out if a student is an
independent learner or not because this may shape the way they interact in class. If a
student prefers to work alone, it might be beneficial to allow them to so they feel more
comfortable. Yet if they feel more comfortable working in a group setting, allow the
student to do so. However, if a student does prefer to work alone, a teacher can pair them
with another independent learner so that just in case, the ELL student can ask that student
questions if need be. But they do not have to necessarily work together.
Part Five: Pragmatic
● Pragmatic learners are more practical, logical, and systematic and like to follow a set of
directions when completing a task while creative learners prefer to learn to discovery or
experimentation. It is important to know if a student is a pragmatic learner or not because
if a teacher gives them an assignment where they must be innovative or take risks, they
may become stressed and frustrated. This could result in an ELL student becoming
uncomfortable or embarrassed if they are not able to complete an assignment. To help a
teacher may give a student a rubric or directions which can help guide a student during an

It is imperative for a teacher to find out which learning styles apply more to their students as
finding the correct one will make the transition into a new school and environment easier for
them. These students will be more willing to do work and will feel comfortable in their learning
styles are being catered to, thus they will more likely thrive in class.

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