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A) Hi Juan

B) Hi Alex, how are you?

A) everything good and you?

B) fine too

A) and what did you do in the summer

B) I went to athletics school and traveled a lot and you?

A) Ohh, that's great, I went on a tour of Rome

B) how cool, what places did you meet

A) I was at the Colosseum in Rome

B) Colosseum of Rome? What is it?

A) is a place in Rome where gladiators fought to the death B) ohh that's great A) where were you
B) I went to Cusco and met a party called inti raymi A) inti raymi, what is that? B) is a party they
celebrate in honor of the sun god A) How good and is there food? B) Of course, the entire
community of Cusco collaborates with grains and food. A) very good Juan see you goodbye B) bye

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