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Kacy Steiger, An excellent start with your course portfolio. Project titles might be more informative than numbers for any audience other than me as the instructor. Consider moving away from all centering for the overview paragraphs for each project. To: Dr. Wickliff From: Kacy Steiger Date: 11.16.2019 Subject: Assessment of Website Portfolio Overall, I am proud of my final portfolio/website. It is clean, comprehensive and easy to follow for the user. I like the color scheme and unanimous layout to each page. Weebly proved to be relatively straightforward (lacking too many features) while building, designing a layout was a breeze. But it also proved to be maybe just a little too easy. There were definite limitations, the way files uploaded, the fonts and sizes options. A hurdle I was unable to overcome was how the files where saved and how that caused issues during their upload to the site. Others in class had no issues uploading their files (their documents where saved in the same manner as 1) while I was completely unable to have mine upload with anything other than scribd The files would not upload as a slideshow as I originally intended which threw a wrench in my plans, | adapted and it didn’t turn out terrible Going into this project, my website building skills where most definitely rusty. I hadn’t used Weebly since my freshman year of college much less played around with other website building platforms. Using Weebly was relatively easy to navigate and produce a site, but I feel that maybe playing with other sites may have allowed me to produce a website/final portfolio that held a much more professional aesthetic. Sadly, at this point in the semester, time is money and I lacked the time to explore other sites. One drawback that also restricted the extent of the site was that fact that it was done for free. While the domain name that comes for free was not an issue for me, I believe that there are definite features that could have been opened to those who pay to build a site that would have lent to a cleaner professional look.

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