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1. Read aloud - slow with all the words clear - 20-25secs

Multiple choice single answer - read question and answers -----------------finally
read passage

re-order paragraphs -
- find independent sentence
- svo (check meanings and follow up)

Listening - hold left headset with hand near to ear

1. Higlight correct summary - scan answers - to know about topic
------------ done
- listen carefully and take key points

2. Fill in the blanks - take words on sheet

once complete, then type the words

3. Highlight incorrect words - hear properly and mark it immediately

4. MC - single answer - read questions and scan topic


5. summarise spoken text - 65-70 words,

same words from lecture,
main idea and supporting ideas

1. summarize text - 10 mins -----------------------------------30-35 words (take
words and dont include too many details)
- 2 mins reading (read twice)
- 7 mins writing
- 1 min edit

When ...................... end.

a, sentences --------------importants was found that ..than ...

people participated in experiment, which showed that who....than who took..
When gambling was performed on thirty individuals, it was found that they were
delighted of winning small rewards and took more risks after receiving L-DOPA drug
than taking placebo drug.

2. Essay

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