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Introduction to Data Analytics Using Python

Duration: 3 Days

1. What is python & Python Setup

1.1. Downloading and Installing Python
1.2. Downloading and Installing Python IDE (Anaconda)
1.3. Using Python
1.3.1.Using Command Prompt
1.3.2.Python Program Structure
1.3.3.Python Packages
1.3.4.Installing and importing packages
2. Basic Python Programming
2.1. Type Variables and Operators
2.2. Control Statements and Loops
2.3. Functions
3. Advanced Python Learning
3.1. Modules and packages
3.2. File handling and Exceptions
3.3. Collections
3.4. Class and objects
4. Importing Data
4.1. Importing Data from various sources in python
4.2. Reading and writing CSV/TSV files with Python
4.3. Reading and writing JSON files with Python
4.4. Reading and writing Excel files with Python
4.5. Retrieving HTML pages with pandas
5. Python Data Analytics
5.1. Understanding the Data
5.1.1.The problem Statement
5.1.2.Understanding the data
5.1.3.Python Packages for Data Science
5.1.4.Importing and Exporting Data in Python
5.1.5.Getting Started Analyzing Data in Python
5.2. Data Wrangling
5.2.1.Pre-processing Data in Python
5.2.2.Dealing with Missing Values in Python
5.2.3.Data Formatting in Python
5.2.4.Data Normalization in Python
5.2.5.Binning in Python
5.2.6.Turning categorical variables into quantitative variables in Python
5.3. Exploratory Data Analysis
5.3.1.Exploratory Data Analysis
5.3.2.Descriptive Statistics
5.3.3.Group by in Python
5.3.5.Correlation - Statistics
5.3.6.Analysis of Variance ANOVA
5.4. Model Development
5.4.1.Model Development
5.4.2.Linear Regression and Multiple Linear Regression
5.4.3.Model Evaluation using Visualization
5.4.4.Polynomial Regression and Pipelines
5.4.5.Measures for In-Sample Evaluation
5.4.6.Prediction and Decision Making
5.5. Model Evaluation
5.5.1.Model Evaluation and Refinement
5.5.2.Overfitting, Underfitting and Model Selection
5.5.3.Ridge Regression
5.5.4.Grid Search
6. Summary & Conclusion

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