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La evaluación de la unidad se realiza en un documento de texto (Word/Word pad/bloc de notas).

1. Con base en las "sildes” (diapositivas) de la clase virtual redactarás un total de 25 enunciados (25
2. Los enunciados que redactes deben corresponder a tu situación personal (lo que hay en tu oficina, en un
negocio, en tu casa, con respecto a tu familia y/o tus sitios de interés) la gramática que utilizarás debe
incluir lo que se ha visto en esta unidad, por favor lee las instrucciones siguientes para conocer qué
enunciados debes redactar.
o Write 5 sentences with Apostrophe + S
e.g. My brother's girlfriend is a workaholic.

1. The boy's sister traveled by bus to meet us.

2. This is Claudia´s House
3. This is the brother´s computer
4. My friend´s brother is a very tall
5. My cousin´s baby is beautiful

o Write 10 sentences with the verb " To have"

e.g. That woman has a respectful supervisor

1. My sister has a cat

2. My girlfriend has a nice car
3. My cousin has a dog
4. My mom has a IPhone X
5. My dad has a good gob
6. My best friend has a nice house
7. My cat has a cat ball
8. My brother has new shoes
9. My uncle has a new car
10. My grandmother has a new dog

o Write 10 Sentences with "there is/are + preposition On/at/in (deben haber enunciados
afirmativos, negativos e interrogativos)
e. g. How many pencils are there on my desk?

1. there are many fruit in the kitchen

2. there are some helmets in my work
3. there are many providers in my work
4. there aren´t any providers in my work
5. there are not any helmets in my work

6. there aren´t fruit in the kitchen
7. Is there any fruit in the kitchen?
8. Is there a helmet in my work?
9. Are there any providers in my work?
10. There are some clothes to wash


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