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Protocol: Oxytocin

Drug: Oxytocin (Pitocin)
Indication for Use: Treatment of Postpartum Hemorrhage
Mechanism of Action: Uterine stimulant, vasopressive, & antidiuretic effects; activates G-protein-coupled receptors
that trigger increases in intracellular calcium levels in uterine myofibrils, which result in uterine contractions; increases
local prostaglandin production, which further stimulates uterine contraction.

Form Dose Route of Administration instructions Treatment notes


Injectable 10 IM Wash/dry hands. One 10mL unit can be given

units/m upon delivery of the placenta.
Solution Explain procedure to client.
A second dose of 10mL unit can
Don gloves
be given if symptoms persist
Choose appropriate injection site (hip/butt after 15 minutes.
Clean site with alcohol wipe; using a
circular motion
Place fingers in contact with syringe
barrel through windows in shield to
prevent possible premature activation of
safety guard
Slide safety guard over the needle
Pull skin laterally away from injection
site to keep medication from seeping into
the subcutaneous tissue
Insert needle into muscle at a 90- degree
angle to the skin surface using a quick
darting motion. Insert almost to the hub.
Inject medication slowly by depressing
the plunger
Wait 10 seconds keeping the skin taut
Remove the needle and release retracted
Apply light pressure to the injection site
with 2x2 gauze
Place needle/syringe immediately into
Sharps container
Remove gloves, discard, wash hands, and
clean up
Document medication given, dose, site,
time, and effect

Contraindications: Significant cephalopelvic disproportion. Unfavorable fetal positions or presentations, eg, transverse
lies, which are undeliverable without conversion prior to delivery. Obstetric emergencies that favor surgery. Fetal
distress where delivery is not imminent. Where adequate uterine activity fails to achieve satisfactory progress.
Hyperactive or hypertonic uterus. Contraindicated vaginal delivery, eg, invasive cervical carcinoma, active herpes
genitalis, total placenta previa, vasa previa & cord presentation or prolapse of cord. Hypersensitivity. Fetal distress,
polyhydramnios, partial placenta previa, prematurity, borderline cephalopelvic disproportion, previous major surgery of
cervix or uterus (including cesarean), overdistention of uterus, grand mulitparity, invasive cervical carcinoma, history of
uterine sepsis or traumatic delivery. Hyperstimulation of the uterus, with strong (hypertonic) and/or prolonged (tetanic)
contractions, or a resting uterine tone of 15-20 mm H20 between contractions may occur, possibly resulting in uterine
rupture, cervical & vaginal lacerations, postpartum hemorrhage, placenta abruption, impaired uterine blood flow,
amniotic fluid embolism, & fetal trauma including intracranial hemorrhage. Not indicated for elective labor induction.

Storage: Store between 20º-25ºC

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