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HISTORY OF TERRORISM 1870 The terrorists began their explosive crusade 1916 The violence started to get worse and organized itself as an uprising 1930'S The IRA drifted into England and true terrorism 1950 Terrorism against colonialists usually fails to win liberation 1974 SLA kidnaped Patricia Hearst 1974 Right-wing Italian terrorists planned to poison their country's. water supplies 1980 Police in Paris discovered a biological laboratory with clostridium botulinum culture belonging to the German Baader-Meinhof Gang 1985 17-day hijacking of TWA Flight 847 1995 The first major use of chemical weapons by terrorists 1996 President Clinton signed the 1996 antiterrorism bill 1996 Bombing in Atlanta during the Olympic Games 1998 President Clinton used his commencement address to strengthen the response to terrorism

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