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Feliza Octavia Shabrina

(X MIPA 1/12)

My Goals In 2020

 Education
In 2020 I’m study at Dipenogoro University.I’m being part of .I have
been received this through SBMPTN,because when I was in Senior High
School I majored in science class.

 Performance
Sometimes when there is freetime,I went to the gym or jogging around my
house.Because of that I had ideal body,my height is 165 and my weight is
54. And I had clear skin and bright skin tone,because I always gift my skin
with skincare.

 Possessions
I have my own ipad,iwatch that I bought with my own money.I have my
own canon camera,polaroid camera and I have my own dream car,that was
Mazda CX 5.I have done decorate my own room with white theme and I
love it so much.My wardrobe is full with my clothes that I want when I was
in senior high school.I have my own bank account.

 Travelling
I decided to go to Mecca with my big family as the first destination.After me
and my family go home,for the next destination I go to Japan with my junior
high school close friends and my boyfriend and his friends.I spent my new
year holiday time in Singapure,I go to Universal studio with my friends in
Malaysia and I visited school in Johor,Malaysia.

 Relationship
I have a boyfriend that I met in senior high school when I was in grade
10,right now he is studying in Akpol because he want to be like his brother
and his father.He is very kind with me and my family,he is very caring
person and he is very funny that have a same jokes tense with ,he is trusted
and mainly.We are in long distance relationship,so we have to trust each
other to keep our relationship.

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