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Rudloff’s Discipline Code

You are becoming your own individual with your own set of individual needs. Within the

next couple years you will be out own your own as adults. In this classroom we will work

together, student to teacher and student to student, to help you grow in not only your historical

understanding, but also in your maturity. For this to happen we will need to follow a very easy

set of rules. First, we need to have respect. Respect for ourselves, respect for each other,

respect for the classroom, respect to myself, and respect for other adults/students throughout

the school. If someone is not giving respect, as I see it, appropriate actions will be taken to

make sure we can reinstate that respect. If a classroom has respect for each other then I see no

reason why this year will not be a phenomenal year. With that, we will all make mistakes, but we

will persevere through these mistakes and then celebrate the successes!

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