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My great time of the year

My vacations are the time of the year that I like the most, this is why I can
choose to play, play the playstation, sleep, go out with my friends, without
worrying that I have to study or do some University homework and most
importantly is that on vacation I can see my cousins, uncles, in general my
family, since they do not live here in Honduras. Sometimes we go to the
United States to visit my paternal family, other times we go to Argentina to
see my mother's family. This year I went to Argentina.

I finished classes in June 2018, so since that day my vacation began, the first
thing I did was sleep and free myself from the worries of studying

we went to the city of neuquen, we stopped at the chocón dam, to visit the
paleontology museum where the remains of the largest carnivorous dinosaur
in the world, larger than the Tyrannosauus Rex, called Giganotosaurus
Carolinii found in 1993, are located. When the construction of the dam was
done, we visited the dinosaur footprints that are preserved in the rocks
around the lake of the dam. It was an incredible experience. In Neuquen we
really enjoyed being with the family, we always had dinner at some of my
mom's uncle or some cousin, we spent very beautiful days, another walk that
I enjoyed a lot was the wine route, since we went at three The most
important wineries in Patagonia, and I learned how wine and all its processes
were, I spent three weeks of many walks and enjoyed a lot.

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