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Writing Project #2 Reflection

1. In class we were taught what a discourse community was and we read many passages that

helped us understand what we were learning. My initial thought about this new concept

of “discourse communities” was a bit hard for me to grasp and interpret at first. We also

we taught a bit about interviewing and ethnographies.With the help of further reading

about what discourse communities are and what they do, I was able to understand. My

writing during this paper was different because it included an interview that I had to do

and I haven’t had to do that before.

2. I was hoping my profile showed what community I belong to and the importance of the

community in my life. The audience I was trying to reach was anyone unaware of my

community, mostly non-athletes. I wanted them to see what other kinds of communities

there are that are sport orientated.

3. A. This assignment sequence helped me explore and express my ideas through writing

because I was able to give my own personal experience in my writing about softball. I

think not interviewing someone else from the community could have helped me explore

my own thoughts more instead of someone else's.

B. This assignment sequence helped me access my assess my audience because it made me

realize that not everyone knows everything about my community just because I do. Also,

this helped me apply appropriate approaches and language for the audience to grasp

because I understand that they may not get the language I use so I broke it down for them.
This assignment could have been for a given and specific audience, but I needed to

determine that on my own.

C. This assignment sequence helped me recognize that writing and rewriting is necessary

for development because the more you write and do research the more knowledge you gain

and the moe you can add to your paper. This assignment sequence could have been

changed so that I was forced to do more research because I felt that I already knew

everything I needed to write about my own community.

D. This assignment sequence helped me read critically to derive rhetorical principles for

my own writing because I had to understand what a discourse community was since I had

no clue what it even was. The passages we read about discourse communities helped me

better understand what I needed to add to my writing. I don't think anything had to be

changed to help me critically read.

4. The strongest part of my final draft is my beginning paragraph because I felt that it grasped

the audience's attention and made them want to read more of my paper. I would like to change

how much personal experience I put. I felt that I put too much personal and not enough of the

interview into my paper.

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