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Blended Learning Lesson Plan

Lesson Title:
How to Truly Listen
Students will be able to dig deeper into music
Students will be able to create and diagnose music ideas as a group
State Standards:
AH.6 I can justify how structure, forms, and performance decisions inform responses to music
based on the elements of music.
AM.7 I can analyze and critique compositions and performances using personally developed
Context: Students will be learning how to listen when hearing and performing. This skill will of
course be enhanced the more and more they do it because it takes a lot of practice.
Students will be in groups by their instrument family. This is because every section has different
blending and intricacies they need to attend to per instrument
Materials: Pencil & Ipads

Introduction (5 Minutes):

Students will enter the classroom and put their things along the side of the band room and sit in
concert seating for attendance. I will then explain what how to truly listen, which will be written
on the board, is and what every section is. I will then separate them into their groups and begin.

Teacher Directed (10 minutes):

In this group I will discuss with the students listening to music. I well then ask the importance of
listening and listen to their answers. I’ll the discussion talking about what we need to do as
performers. I will start the discussion by asking what makes you want to listen to a performer?
And what is the difference between player and a performer.
Collaborative (15 minutes):
In this session there will be a score of music handed to my students and I will leave them to
make up the music with interpretations into the music. Looking at what they hear in the music.
They will put the finished work on the director’s podium.
Digital time (15 minutes):
In this section the students will grab a tablet/or computer

Closure (40 minutes):

The students will sit down in their concert order I will give them the sheet music they’re
going to play. We will listen to each performance and reflect what can be improved and what we
liked. Then we will end and pack up and the class can go.

I chose this piece of multimedia because I thought this app would be good to use iPads for. This
app works for everything were trying to learn in this lesson. The app does give feedback. This
app allows the students to be able to achieve the goals that are given through the standards. A
student who is visually impaired might have trouble seeing the screen, but a friend of I will help
as he really just needs his ears. The video does a good job achieving the goal of the lesson and it
helps the students really internalize what it is their playing because as musicians being able to
listen and reflect on what we play while we perform is key to becoming better musicians.
Subtitles can be used for students with hearing issues so help them better make out the words
they are hearing.

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