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Name : Yuni Sari Harum

Class : 3D
Conversation Admission
N : Good morning mam, welcome to Jakarta Islamic Hospital. How may I help you?
P : Good morning, I need to some medical check up and meet the doctor.
N : Okay, before you meet the doctor you should have fill the form. Could you like me to fill the
P : Yes please.
N : Can you tell me your full name mam?
P : My name is Pattern Pots.
N : What is your birth date Mrs. Pots?
P : My birth date is 7𝑡ℎ August 1987.
N : What is your address mam?
P : My address is Sorong street No. 123, North Jakarta.
N : And your phone number?
P : Okay, mam, the form filled. Now, plwase wait at the waiting room. We will call you in a
P : Thank you.

Conversation Giving Direction

A : Good afternoon.
N : Good afternoon, how may I help you sir?
A : I want to visit my nephew, she was treated in the Rose Wards. Would you tell me the way to
N : Sure sir. From here you turn right, go a long from here and you can find T junction. After
that you can turn right, go straight a head until you find intersection. Well, you turn left you
can see labroratory on the corner. And then you can turn left again, go straight a head and
the Rose Wards in the end hall way at your left side. Rose Wards in front of Central Sterille.
A : Where am I now?
N : You are in Nurse Room.
A : Thank you for your information.
N : That’s alright, have a nice visit sir.

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