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Foro ingles 5

About me, I like to be responsible and respectful.

- He is my best friend (but who is he? what is his name?


Do you think it is better to bring up children in a city or village?

for me is better to bring up children in a village because the life in a village is
more healthy and the persons can keep on contact with the nature. Can it walk
across plantas, animals like hens, pigs, dogs, cats. this is very good especially for
the children. if you look around the landscape is healthy and calm can sleep out
in calm. for me in the village the children can live more things and better.
As a child, who did you look up to?
when i was a child i admired to my parents. for me they were -and are- the best
persons in the world. they teached me to be a good person, to turn me away of
the bad even if other persons do it and wants i do it too, to keep on in my
Thank you.


As a child, who did you look up to? I look up to my Grandmother, she always taught me
that the one of important thing in the life is be together in family. She thinks that have
a good communication is the based a good relationship.

Do you think it is better bring up children in a city or village? I think is better bring up
children in the village, because there are cut off from the drugs and also in the village
the families are more united than the families in the city and this help to the children
have better values.

The phrasal verbs that I learnt are go ahead, bring up, run away, take away, look up, come

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