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Garin, Mark Darius

My Depth Experience
My one of depth experience was about going to school, back then when I was younger
around twelve years old, I found that attending classes. Study, do homework and seatwork
was boring and repetitive. It feels like it is the same process everyday so instead of studying
hard, I will go outside then meet my friends regardless the assignment teacher told to do.
Then play computer or mobile phones instead of opening some books. However, I read
books and written notes when the night before the examination the next day I am
overwhelmed because my knowledge about the examination was insufficient or
inadequate. Then ask my friend if I can copy his/her answers for the sake of passing
because if I wasn’t able to fill up my test, I will fail the examination and repeat the school
year. It is my biggest fear being left behind so in desperate times, I don’t hesitate to cheat.
as I grew up, life is getting meaningful as a result of many experiences and realize that the
true desperate people were striving to learn everyday and survive for the sake of the
person’s idealistic future, and not one who depends his/her responsibilities and obligation
to others.

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