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(Don’t know how to make or describe this chart, but we did this in class once.

I’ll call it
the Causation Chart or Cause And Effect chart for now.)
- Jacob Lee

Main Cause: The Crusades

(Time Period 1095 - 1291 A.D.)
The many effects that were developed due to the cause (traced to root cause, which is primarily
the Crusades):
● Stimulation of Trade: Trade was immensely enhanced, new products made, cities and
towns grew to become more important, rise of Venice.
● Weakening of Feudalism: Nobles, Knights, etc left to fight in the Holy Battle, causing a
disruption of the “cycle” in feudalism and imbalance of people covering specific jobs.
● Europe Kings power increasing
● Money usage increased
● Cultures, Ideas, Advancements, Religion, etc spread.
● Idea of Chivalry

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