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&fr s - 63- 2 (: o&=tl* E A;+& Xffibl*--,;EL<r,\*f") X' 1,<- YU fr tlFffi ( li 3 r,'"

* Please prepare within I page.

Form 5-63-2 (The Japanese text is followed by English translation in this form.)

Letter of Intent

t++'frfrH trffiJqElr* frffi&#.,b" (trH+tFl6f xtfrli, (n) ) rrffiH 3 tL6TedDffifr;+n4rrffi+R

3*t tcw6. *@6frn# t 116. t tB# L*f.
I hereby agree to be a collaborator in the following research proposal to be applied to the Fund for the
Promotion of Joint International Research (Fostering Joint Intemational Research (B)) of KAKENHI
(Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research), provided it is adopted.

Title of Research Project; Study pn biologically active qonstituents produced bJ acidophilic bacteria from
Malaysia's Qloud Forest and symbiotic bacteria found on Rafflesia
Efrnl\t# G,A . EF;E . Effi) : 9 *> f >cr * 'Hrtjr.#trai#:E#*Kt'AffifrFfi 'Ht#
Principal Investigator (name, affrliation and position); WONG Chin Pigw, Institute.of Natufal Medicine.
Universitv of Toyanla, AssisFnt Professor

t6fifr:altr o>8tE (i6rl o *@6ffn* o'.rk5tlae{-e) l

Outline of the Research Project (including the role of each international collaborator):
*6frX,t*, v*v7w+Et#ffi) t) >f r Yl.HHf6r+wtYl7 /^Ht4f+H&rj: ar&W,

i.&Hf 6e#Effirynr7 vy7 o*+ffifi'b, be:k/tE*#ffi#:/- i^41+f 6z t , h.

LN#€ Lk141f.Hh2o>:€irrklys€t 6: L r, .tLbot&rfri.*iL \( t*ft,6ELJ t /r 6, 'MH+DA
{rHlHzr >, C,tfr.ffi& E H!ir, 4 +Ffi i.lE D Xmf 6 " ) ) >7 r >r D'rffi.+.WDffiR--,+E F
,=H[l-rv\(it, -? v*V7EW4 77 A*+*+#l] Solachuddin JauhariArief Ichwan IEWWrt\11
i. */c., A#;ffiffitj, )y >f *><a'MH+hWR, lElJt*ro'M.E+hat##, &(}'fLA
thtfifri&.a;E#AA+l{ oWX# L J€lH("Fffrf 6.
This study focused on discovery of new drug seeds from the compounds produced by acidophilic
bacteria from Malaysia's cloud forest in Brinchang and symbiotic bacteria found on Rafflesia, as well as

creation of genetic resource bank of the collected microorganism's genes for 4 years. Dr. Solachuddin will
apply for permission to collect microorganisms in Malaysia. Dr. Solachuddin will also perform collection

of microorganism in Brinchang, the cultivation of collected microorganisms and preparation of bacterial

extracts in International Islamic University Malaysia, respectively, with researchers from University of

Name of Signee: Snlqchrrdrlin Tarrheri A r'ief Tchwen

Research Institution: Dqpartment of Funda4efrtal De(rtal and Medical Sciences. Intemational Islamic
University Malaysia.


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