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LISTENING: Online shopping


log on to do the actions that allow you to start using a computer system

shopping site a website where you can buy products

password a secret word/number that you have to type into a computer

system to be able to use it

checkout the webpage on a shopping site where you pay for the goods
you have bought

cursor a small, black, vertical line on a computer screen that shows the
position you are at

register to give your name and other details to a website so that you can
become a user of that website

user name the name that you call yourself when you register with or use
a website

search engine a program that searches the Internet for you, like "Google"

home delivery goods you have bought are brought to your home

secure safe and you do not have to worry about it


Chris: (slamming the phone down) Why is it so difficult?

Robert: What?

Chris: I want to order a book from a bookstore in town, but the line is always busy!

Robert: Try their shopping site.

Chris: But…

Robert: But what? Chris, it's so easy.

Chris: Okay, show me!

LISTENING: Online shopping

Robert: Just log on, like this. Then go to a search engine.

Chris: How?

Robert: See, move the mouse until the little arrow gets to the right place. Then click.
Now type in their name.

Chris: And there they are. Great!

Robert: Do you know the title?

Chris: Yes. But that's the problem. Where do I type it in?

Robert: Well, usually there's a little box with 'title' next to it!

Chris: Oh, yeah. Okay.

Robert: Now click on 'search.'

Chris: Okay. Oh, good! They have it. Now how do I buy it?

Robert: Can you find 'shopping basket?'

Chris: Yes, do I click on that?

Robert: Yeah. Do you want any other books?

Chris: No, just that one.

Robert: Okay. So now click on 'checkout.'

Chris: Yes. Oh! Now it wants to know if I have a password. I don't think I have one.

Robert: You've never bought anything from them before?

Chris: No, I've never bought anything on the Internet before!

Robert: Okay — so you'll have to register. You give them a user name and then you'll
get a password. Then you'll be able to pay.

Chris: Oh, I see. But is it secure? I don't want other people using my credit card.

Robert: Oh, I think this one is. And they have home delivery.

Chris: Okay, I think I have it now. Thanks, Dad. You've been great!

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