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175980, February 15, 2012, DIVISION

FACTS: Accused Adriano and Benny killed and stabbed to death the victim. In the
presentation of witness for the prosecution, witness Wilfredo testified that both
men took turns in stabbing the victim while witness Jonalyn testified that both men
stabbed the victim in unison. Accused Benny also asserts that Wilfredo is not
credible since he only surfaced 3 years after the incident to testify against accused.

ISSUE: WoN minor inconsistencies pertaining to trivial matters affect the credibility
of witnesses as well as their positive identification of the accused as the
perpetrators of the crime?

RULING: No. Anent the first issue, the inconsistency merely pertains to the manner
the fatal stab wounds was inflicted on the victim. It is perfectly natural for different
witness to testify on the occurrence of a crime to give varying details since it all
depends on the observing position of the witness. Anent the second issue, a
deference or reluctance in reporting a crime does not destroy the truth of the charge
nor is it an indication of deceit. Absence of other circumstances that would show
that the charge was a mere concoction and that Wilfredo was impelled by some evil
motives, delay in testifying is insufficient to discredit his testimony.

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