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Writing Evaluation

Matthew Francis

Comm 1715

November 29th, 2019

Tiffany Jarvis
“May your choices reflect your hopes not your fears.” ~ Nelson Mandela

I have chosen to write about the quote above, because it embodies the principles that I

believe we should all strive to live by. This quote resonates deep within me. It forces me to look

back at the actions of my past, and to analyze my thinking behind them. Did I make my decisions

based off fear, or did I make decisions based on outcomes I had hoped for?

Throughout my life I have been affected by sever anxiety and depression. These feelings

affect my everyday life. As I reflect on this beautiful quote from Nelson Mandela, I find myself

looking back at everything I have missed out on because of these afflictions. I didn’t join band in

high school, I lost out on potential relationships, I missed opportunities to explore the world, all

of this because I was terrified to do so. Only recently have I begun to tare myself away from

these restraints and have finally begun rebuilding my life. During high school, I took only arts

and music courses. My intent was to become a videographer, working in the entertainment

industry. As I became more and more withdrawn, I struggled with social interactions and found

myself liking the idea less and less. This isolation has led to my discovery and love for science,

and I find myself on a brand-new path of excitement and discovery.

As I begin this new adventure into science, I embrace this quote with a new sense of

being. I am finally on a path that I believe will encourage the lifestyle I have dreamed of, and I

am excited to take every step. This quote a has allowed me to analyze my actions more closely,

and to make sure that every decision I make is based off something I intend to accomplish, rather

than something I am afraid of doing. This online course is a great example of a choice that I am

making based on an outcome I am trying to achieve. It offers me the opportunity to acquire the
credits necessary to apply to the Molecular Biology program taught by Trent University. I had

never believed that I would ever attend university or college for a science program. I always

thought that I was intellectually incapable of doing so; But now I finally have a chance to prove

myself wrong? I have a long road a head of me, and some of the steps might be overwhelming at

first, but I am finally brave enough to walk forward and experience what life has to offer.

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