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Addiction to the social media is one of the reasons why we are being bullied by bullies.

There is a saying,
“Think before you click” that reminds us no to decide and act directly online even if it is not worth
sharing and worth posting. Cyberbullying is rampant nowadays. There’s a toxic social media culture that
if someone shared or posted a meme (even if it’s not funny) and you hit the like button, he will caught
his attention because someone popped-up on his notification liking his meme instead of reacting HAHA
and if that someone is thirsty for reacts, he will mention you in the comment section to change your
reaction from his post, and it’s annoying thing. It’s your choice to react freely because Facebook is
another way to express your emotion not to control your emotion, by others. Another example is when
someone posted her picture taken from the beach wearing two-piece, then there’s sharped-tongue
people who will criticize you calling your body fat and it’s bodyshaming and considered as cyberbullying.
Let us break the stigma for bullying people in social media because they have feelings too.

Social media is there but let us limit our time surfing the Internet. Let us spend time with our family
instead because the more we get involved in social media, the harder for us to escape to the outside

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