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Superficial fungal infections

Stephen O. Kovacs & Luciann L. Hruza

To cite this article: Stephen O. Kovacs & Luciann L. Hruza (1995) Superficial fungal infections,
Postgraduate Medicine, 98:6, 61-75, DOI: 10.1080/00325481.1995.11946086

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Published online: 05 Dec 2017.

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Second of four articles Stephen 0. Kovacs, MD

on skin disorders Luciann L.. Hruza, MD
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•!• Dermatophytes are the organisms that cause super-

Superficial ficial fungal infections in humans. The clinical pic-
ture of a specific infection is related to the part of the
fungal infections body involved; thus, descriptive terms may refer to the
anatomic area, such as tinea capitis, tinea corporis,
Getting rid of lesions tinea cruris, tinea pedis, and tinea manuum. Derma-
tophyte infections are very communicable through
that don't want to go away casual contact with an infected person, animal, or
object. Many species of dermatophytes belong to the
genera of superficial fungal infections: Trichophyton,
Microsporum, and Epidermophyton. However, most
fungal diseases in the United States are caused by only
a few of these species.
Preview Diagnosis involves physical examination, micro-
Didn't mother always tell you to wear scopic evaluation of skin scrapings, and culture of
shower shoes in the locker room? She was skin lesions. Fungal disease can be diagnosed within
right. Athlete's foot is one of several fungal minutes after scraping the active edge of a suspected
diseases that thrive in hot, humid environ- lesion onto a microscope slide, adding a drop of 10%
ments. The human body itself can create potassium hydroxide solution, and heating. This test
warm, damp conditions where skin folds or (the KOH preparation) is positive when hyphae (in
rubs. The authors describe clinical presenta- fungal infection) (figure 1) or hyphae and spores (in
tions of fungal infections commonly seen by candida! infection or tinea versicolor) are visualized.
primary care physicians, treatment regimens Fungal culture is done by imbedding skin scrapings
to relieve patient discomfort, and tips for into Sabouraud glucose agar. Culture is more sensi-
daily routine care to prevent recurrence. tive and specific than microscopic KOH evaluation
but requires a 3- to 4-week wait for results.
Once the diagnosis has been made or is strongly
suspected from results of a KOH evaluation, many
oral and topical antifungal agents may be used for
treatment. Oral antifungal agents, such as griseoful-
vin, ketoconazole (Niwral), itraconazole (Sporanox),
and fluconazole (Diflucan), are used to treat tinea
capitis, extensive tinea corporis, and tinea unguium.
Oral agents are also used in patients who are diabetic
or immunocompromised or who respond poorly to
topical antifungals. 1 Some commonly used topical
agents are ketoconazole 2% (Nizoral), oxiconazole
nitrate 1% (Oxistat), dotrimazole 1% (Lotrimin,
Mycelex), and econazole nitrate 1% (Spectazole)


Tinea capitis lesions are
circumscribed areas of alopecia,
often with fine scales and
sometimes with mild to moderate
erythema at the border.
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Figure 1. Hyphae visualized on low- Figure 2. Black-dot tinea capitis, result- Figure 3. Well-circumscribed, round,
power (x 10) microscopy of potassium ing when Trichophyton tonsurans infection erythematous plaque with central clearing
hydroxide preparation, indicating leads to friable hair shafts and breakage. typical of tinea corporis.
presence of fungal disease.

Although combination creams are available that another common cause of tinea capitis and can pro-
include an antifungal and a corticosteroid (Lotrisone, duce fever, pain, and lymphadenopathy.
Mycolog-11, Myco-Triacet II), they have very little CUNICAL PRF.SENTI\.TION-The incidence of tinea
utility in treatment of fungal disease; the steroid capitis has been increasing steadily since the 1970s,
component often prolongs recovery by encouraging and in the United States, black children are most
fungal growth and may cause significant atrophy. If a often affected. 1 Typical patients are between ages 4
combination topical agent is used before the diag- and 14 and are from households of lower socioeco-
nosis is firmly established, a fungal culture or KOH nomic status (possibly relating to overcrowding). The
preparation may be false-negative, and accurate organism is typically spread from child to child or pet
diagnosis can be very difficult. to child. Lesions are circumscribed areas of alopecia,
often with fine scales and sometimes with mild to
Tinea capitis moderate erythema at the border of the plaque. In
Since the 1940s, Trichophyton tonsurans, introduced some children, a delayed inflammatory hypersensitiv-
into the United States from Central and South Amer- ity reaction occurs, known as a kerion, which appears
ica, has become the most prevalent cause of tinea as a boggy, elevated, oozing plaque on the scalp. Tinea
capitis in this country. T tonsurans infection is the capitis is usually nonscarring, except with severe
most common cause of black-dot tinea capitis, which secondary bacterial infection or kerion formation.
describes remnant hairs after the organism has DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSis--Seborrheic dermatitis,
invaded hair shafts and caused them to break off atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, pseudopelade (scarring
dose to the scalp (figure 2). Microsporum canis is alopecia), and alopecia areata are the most important
disorders to exclude.
TREATMENT-Oral treatment with microsized
Stephen 0. Kovacs, MD griseofulvin (Fulvicin U/F, Grifulvin V, Grisactin)
Luciann L. Hruza, MD (10 to 20 mg/kg daily for 6 to 8 weeks) is mandatory
Dr Kovacs is a resident in dermatology and Dr Hruza ts an
instructor of medicine, division of dermatology, Washington for satisfactory results, because topical treatment is
University School of Medicine, St Louis. ineffective. If baseline complete blood cell count or
continued on page 68


Excessive perspiration is the
most common predisposing
factor for tinea corporis in adults.
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results of liver enzyme studies are abnormal, caution DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSis-Nummular eczema,
should be used in prescribing griseofulvin, and lab- granuloma annulare (indurated plaques without
oratory values should be followed closely. Drug inter- scales), and drug allergy should be sought.
actions with griseofulvin include increased effects of TREATMENT-Limited involvement with tinea
alcohol, decreased effects of warfarin sodium (Cou- corporis is treated with a topical antifungal agent
madin, Panwarfin, Sofarin), and decreased effi- (table 1), such as clotrimazole, econazole, ketocona-
cacy of estrogen-containing contraceptives. zole, miconazole nitrate 2% (Monistat-Derm,
Ketoconazole and itraconazole are second-line oral Micatin), oxiconazole, naftifine hydrochloride 1%
antifungal agents that may be used for tinea capitis. 3 (Naftin), terbinafine hydrochloride 1% (Larnisil), or
Liver enzyme and bilirubin levels should be mea- ciclopirox olamine 1% (Lo prox). For extensive
sured regularly with both agents. These drugs may involvement, ultramicrosized griseofulvin (Fulvicin
increase the effects of warfarin, cyclosporine (Sand- PIG, Grisactin Ultra, Gris-PEG) (0.5 to 1 g daily) or
immune), oral hypoglycemics, and digoxin (Lan- ketoconazole (200 to 400 mg daily) in divided doses
oxicaps, Lanoxin). In contrast, the effects of keto- may be needed. Ketoconazole is contraindicated in
conazole and itraconazole are decreased by rifarnpin patients taking nonsedating antihistamines.
(Rifadin, Rimactane), isoniazid (Nydrazid), pheny-
toin (Dilantin), histamine 2 blockers, and anti- Tinea cruris
cholinergics. These two drugs should not be admin- Tinea cruris is caused most often by T rubrum, T
istered to patients taking astemiwle (Hismanal) or mentagrophytes, or Epidermophyton jloccosum. It is not
terfenadine (Seldane) because of the possibility of uncommon to find a concomitant infection with the
cardiac arrhythmias. same organism at another body site. Mixed bacterial
A shampoo containing an antifungal agent, such and fungal infections in intertriginous sites are also
as selenium sulfide or ketoconazole, may be used common.
with the oral regimen. Monthly fungal cultures of CLINICAL PRESENTATION-Tinea cruris, also
the scalp help guide therapy. Treatment of family known as jock itch, affects males much more often
members is important, because up to 50% of those than females. It is acquired by direct physical con-
living with an infected child may also be infected. 4 tact with an infected person or object or by self-
inoculation. Humid climates predispose to the dis-
Tinea corporis ease. Obesity, occlusive garments (eg, tight-fitting
The most common causative agents in tinea corporis pants, athletic supporters), and wet swimsuits can
are Trichophyton rubrum, Trichophyton mentagrophytes, facilitate dermatophyte growth. 5
andM canis. The typical presentation consists ofbilateral, asym-
CLINICAL PRFSENDITION-Tinea corporis is spread metric, erythematous plaques (figure 4) spreading
by contact with an infected person, animal, clothing, peripherally in the medial aspects of the proximal
or furniture and occurs most often in children. thighs and the buttocks. Plaques often have central
Humid environments facilitate infection, and exces- clearing and an active, erythematous border in which
sive perspiration is the most common predisposing papules and vesicles may be seen. Patients complain
factor in adults. The typical clinical presentation of pruritus or a burning sensation. Infection in the
consists of round, erythematous, scaly, pruritic groin may spread to the body, causing tinea corporis.
plaques with central clearing distributed on the torso Involvement of the penis or scrotum is not seen in
or extremities (figure 3). tinea cruris and suggests candidal infection.


Tinea cruris may spread from
the groin to the body, causing tinea
corporis, but involvement of the
penis or scrotum suggests candidal
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Table 1. Topical antifungal therapy for superficial dermatomycoses

Agent Recommended for:

Dermatophyte Candidiasis Tinea versicolor
Nystatin (Mycostatin, Nilstat) X

Clotrimazole 1% (Lotrimin, Mycelex) X X X

Econazole nitrate 1% (Spectazole) X X X

Ketoconazole 2% (Nizoral) X X X

Miconazole nitrate 2% X X X
(Monistat-Derm, Micatin)

Oxiconazole nitrate 1% (Oxistat) X X X

Naftifine HCI 1% (Naftin) X

Terbinafine HCI1% (Lamisil) X

Ciclopirox olamine 1% (Loprox) X X X

DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS-Candidiasis, sebor- Tinea pedis and tinea manuum

rheic dermatitis, erythrasma (an inflammatory reac- T rubrum, T mentagrophytes, and E floccosum are the
tion to Corynebacterium minutissimum), psoriasis, fungal organisms that most commonly affect the feet
benign familial pemphigus, and lichen simplex and hands. When inflammatory, vesiculobullous
chronicus should be ruled out. eruptions are present, T mentagrophytes is most often
TREATMENT-Topical antifungal creams are the the infecting agent.
treatment of choice. Clotrimazole, econazole, keto- CLINICAL PRESENTATION-Also known as ath-
conazole, miconazole, oxiconazole, naftifine, terbin- lete's foot, tinea pedis is the most common fungal
afine, or ciclopirox olamine should be applied one or infection in the general population. It occurs most
two times daily for 4 weeks. Treatment also includes often in humid environments, especially in the sum-
use of absorbent powders and loose-fitting garments mer months. Dermatophytes are commonly ac-
to decrease moisture in the groin. An oral antibiotic quired through infected shower stalls, locker room
is often needed to control mixed bacterial-fungal floors, or carpeting, and occlusive footwear provides
infection. an excellent environment for growth. Pruritus, burn-
continued on page 13


For tinea pedis, a topical antifungal
should be applied to the total foot
once or twice daily for 3 to 4 weeks.
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ing, interdigital maceration, and fissuring are the . Predisposing factors to candidiasis include antibiotic
usual complaints. Two presentations of tinea pedis therapy, ill-fitting dentures, pregnancy, old age,
are common, and both appear in a moccasin-type immune defects, diabetes mellitus, hypoparathyroid-
distribution: dry, scaly, mildly erythematous plaques ism, hypothyroidism, and iron or zinc deficiency. 7
over the plantar aspects (figure 5), and vesiculobul- Major cutaneous manifestations of candidiasis are
lous eruptions with scales. Vesiculobullous tinea intertrigo, folliculitis, paronychia, tinea unguium,
pedis can result from treatment of tinea pedis with and perioral dermatitis. Cutaneous candidiasis occurs
topical steroids (figure 6). When tinea unguiurn is in moist, intertriginous areas (eg, axillae, groin), and
present, tinea pedis may become chronic because of red plaques with satellite papules or pustules are
persistent reinfection from the toenails. When tinea pathognomonic (figure 7). Candida! paronychia may
pedis is bilateral, involvement of one hand is com- occur in patients whose hands are chronically wet (eg,
mon (figure 5). house cleaners, meat cutters) and produces erythema,
DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSI5--Dyshidrotic eczema, swelling, and pain. Professional manicurists may
contact dermatitis, atopic dermatitis, Reiter's syn- transmit candida! infection from person to person on
drome, candidiasis, psoriasis, and palmar-plantar contaminated tools.
keratoderma should be excluded. Mucous membrane involvement includes acute
TREATMENT-Occlusive footwear should be pseudomembranous candidiasis (thrush) and per-
avoided if possible, and socks should be changed leche. Perleche is characterized by erythema, pain,
often, especially when they become damp from fissuring, and maceration at the corners of the mouth
perspiration. Application of absorbent powders and in patients who lick their lips frequently or wear
aluminum chloride solutions for hyperhidrosis of dentures.
the feet and palms is helpful. Topical antifungals DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSis--Mucositis, drug al-
(eg, clotrimazole, econazole, ketoconazole, micona- lergy, leukoplakia, and herpes simplex may mimic
zole, oxiconazole, naftifine, terbinafine, ciclopirox) oral candidiasis, whereas tinea or bacterial infec-
are the treatment of choice and are applied to the tion, erythrasma, seborrheic dermatitis, eczema, and
total foot once or twice daily for 3 to 4 weeks. Tinea psoriasis may present similarly to cutaneous candi-
pedis should always be treated in patients with diasis.
peripheral vascular disease, chronic lymphedema, TREATMENT-In immunocompetent hosts, oral
or diabetes mellitus because of the increased risk candidiasis is effectively controlled with clotrimazole
of cellulitis. For fulminant cases of vesicular tinea troches (Mycelex) or nystatin troches (Mycostatin
pedis, the use of oral antifungal agents is necessary. 6 Pastilles), as well as with swish-and-swallow nystatin
Chronic tinea pedis secondary to tinea unguium may solution (Nilstat). Oral fluconazole may also be used,
require intermittent topical antifungal therapy for in an initial dose of200 mg followed by 100 mg four
prophylaxis. times a day for 5 to 7 days. Cutaneous candidiasis is
best treated with topical dotrimazole, econazole,
Candidiasis ketoconazole, miconazole, oxiconazole, nystatin
Candida albicans is the most common pathogen (Mycostatin, Nilstat), or ciclopirox olamine.
involved in candidiasis.
CLINICAL PRESENTATION-Most of the general Tinea versicolor
population is colonized by some candida! organisms, The lipophilic organism Pityrosporum orbiculare is
but only patients with symptoms have disease. the sole cause of tinea versicolor. A KOH preparation


Persons with asymptomatic tinea
versicolor may seek medical help
because of an inability to tan
in areas affected by the disease.
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Figure 4. Bilateral, erythematous, scaly

plaques on groin, representing common Figure 6. Bullous tinea pedis, which is
clinical presentation of tinea cruris. secondary to infection with Trichophyton
mentagrophytes or to corticosteroid treat-
ment of tinea pedis.

Figure 5. Scaly, mildly erythematous

plaques in moccasin-type distribution
typical of tinea pedis. This patient's one-
hand, two-foot involvement is also
common in tinea pedis.

of a scraping demonstrates the typical "spaghetti and DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSis-Seborrheic dermati-

meatballs" appearance of the hyphae and spores, tis, vitiligo, pityriasis alba, and pityriasis rosea should
which represents the dimorphic fungal and yeast be ruled out.
nature of this organism. TREATMENT-First-line therapy for tinea versi-
CUNICAL PRESENTATION-Tinea versicolor most color is daily application of selenium sulfide 2.5%
often presents in children and young adults as scaly lotion (Exsel, Selsun) from the neck to the knees.
hypopigmented or hyperpigmented macules on the The lotion is left on for 5 to 10 minutes and then
trunk and proximal extremities (figure 8), although washed off. Treatment is continued for 2 weeks.
the neck and face may also be involved. Scales are Recurrence is common, so some patients benefit fiom
often very fine and may be produced by scraping the follow-up application of the lotion once or twice a
surface with the edge of a tongue depressor or the month. Daily 5-minute application of ketoconazole
fingernail of a gloved hand (the fingernail sign). 7 The shampoo for 2 weeks may be beneficial. Topical
infection is common in the spring and summer clotrimazole, econazole, ketoconazole, miconazole,
because humidity and heat are contributing factors. oxiconazole, or ciclopirox olamine may also be used.
Sometimes, asymptomatic patients seek help because Oral ketoconazole in a single 400-mg dose has been
of concern over an inability to tan in involved areas, found to be highly effective in treatment of tinea ver-
and even after successful treatment, affected skin may sicolor but has not been approved by the Food and
remain hypopigmented. Tinea versicolor may also Drug Administration for this indication. Recurrence
present as folliculitis. is also common with this method.


Red plaques with satellite
papules or pustules, often
occurring in intertriginous
areas, are pathognomonic
of candidiasis.
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Figure 7. Red, scaly plaques with satel-

lite papules or pustules, often occurring in
intertriginous areas, which are pathogno-
monic of cutaneous candidiasis.

Figure 8. Hypopigmented and hyper-

pigmented macules commonly seen with
tinea versicolor. Scrapings reveal fine

clotrimazole (Lotrimin, Mycelex), econazole ni-

Summary trate (Spectazole), ketoconazole (NtzOral), micon-
azole nitrate (Monistat-Denn, Micatin), oxicona-
Systematic analysis of possible dermatophyte and zole nitrate (Oxistat), and cidopirox olamine
candidal skin infections leads to an accurate (Loprox). Topical selenium sulfide lotion can also
diagnosis and prompt treatment with a specific be used for tinea versicolor, which is often a recal-
regimen. The first steps are thorough skin exami- citrant problem. RIWI
nation and evaluation with a potassium hydrox-
ide preparation. Tmea corporis, tinea cruris, tinea
pedis, cutaneous candidiasis, and tinea versicolor
-® fun credit on this article. See CME Quiz.

can be treated with many topical antifungal

agents, whereas tinea capitis requires oral griseo-
fulvin therapy. Frequendy used topical medica- Mailing address: Luciann L. Hruza, MD, 1040 N Mason
tions for tinea and candidal infections include Rd, Suite 120, StLouis, MO 63141.

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