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An external-stimulus-dependent neural network model

E. M. F. Curado1,2 , N. B. Melgar1 and F. D. Nobre1,2

Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Fı́sicas and
National Institute for Science and Technology for Complex Systems
Rua Xavier Sigaud 150, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

December 11, 2019

1 Introduction
The Evolution theory, proposed by Darwin and Wallace (1; 2), is one of the most important theories
we have nowadays, and fundamental to understand our world. It is accepted by all scientists as a
starting point to study everything related to living beings or part of the living beings. All organs
of the living creatures were molded by evolution.
The brain also grew and developed, obviously, by the action of natural selection. It has to work,
actually, respecting his evolutionary history. But what means its evolutionary history? It means
the development, from generation to generation, from species to species, of a complex system of
prompt responses to external stimuli, a fundamental condition to survive. In fact, a living being
has to react, in many cases instantaneously, to escaping a predator, to catching a prey, to avoiding
an accident, or for many other reasons. This means that the nervous systems of the animals
were developed as the fundamental tools of these organisms to prompt react to changes of the
After millions of years of development of the nervous systems, generally increasing their sizes
and complexity, it appeared a concentrated region of nervous cells, the primitive brain, that quickly
increased its size. It was a breakthrough in the development of the living beings. But the task
was the same, allowing the living being reacting quickly and more efficiently to changes in the
environment. This task was at the origin of the brain and is recorded “au fer et au feu” in the way
the brain works. This stimuli-dependent-way-to-work of the brain should be behind all tasks the
brain performs, the old ones (essentially instinctive reactions) and the biological newer ones (more
related to cognition).
We will discuss here a stimuli-dependent neural network model for pattern recognition, but
certainly a similar scenario can be constructed for other brain activities. We could summarize
some of the main steps of a pattern recognizing of a living being as:

• the living being by its history has accumulated memories (some input patterns in the past),
that are stored some way, for example using the Hebb rule,

• without external stimuli, the system does not recognize any pattern; it is in a noisy state,

• in the presence of an external stimulus, associated with some stored pattern, the system
recognizes that pattern; if the external stimulus has no relation with any stored pattern, the
system does not recognize any stored memory, not even the input pattern,

• if the external stimulus associated with some memory disappear, the effectivity of the recog-
nized pattern decreases, going to practically zero after some time delay, returning the system
to the noisy state,

• if the external stimulus changes abruptly, as it often happens in nature, the system changes
quickly the recognized pattern associated with the first stimulus to the possible recognized
pattern associated with the second stimulus,

• these steps are repeated again and again in the presence of each new stimulus or sequence of

A biological-realistic pattern recognition neural network model should reproduce the steps
sketched above. These steps have many good features, going into the direction of the new concepts
of complex systems, which are systems that live at the chaos-order border or ordered-disordered sys-
tems. Chaotic, ordered or disordered systems can never be good models for a neural network model
or even for life. A really effective neural network model should work at the border chaos-order.
This paper is divided in the following sections: in section II we discuss attractor neural networks
(ANN) and some problems related to them. In section III we present our model, intending to respect
the several points sketched in the introduction. We also discuss the new concepts involving this
new approach, including a discussion about the number of stored patterns and how this number
can be much larger than in ANN models. This approach, or framework, can be used in many neural
networks (NN) models, but we will illustrated it here with the Hopfield model, due to its simplicity.
In section IV we apply our approach in the Hopfield model, we present analytical calculations of
our model and present some numerical results, focusing mainly on the number of stored patterns
and on the quality of the pattern recognition. In section V we present our final comments.

2 Attractor neural networks

Since the proposition of the Hopfield model, in the beginning of the 1980s (3), the class of neural
network models, called “attractor neural network” (ANN), became paradigmatic neural network
models until now. In the basic model a Hamiltonian of the system can be written, where the
strength of the coupling constants are given by the memories, and based on the Hebb’s rule. The
stored memories are the fundamental states of the system. An initial pattern, having an important
overlap with one stored memory and then belonging to its basin of attraction, evolves by means of
an appropriate dynamics (stochastic or not), to the lower energy state, i.e., to the stored memory,
recognizing that pattern. But, once that pattern is recognized, the system stays in that state forever,
even if the input pattern had acted only in the beginning of the process. It is easy to see that,
among the items listed above, the items 2, 3, 4 and 5 are not always respected. An other important
comment is that this system does not work at the border chaos-order as any complex systems
should work but rather it works on the ordered side (the fundamental state). Other important
point is related to the capacity of this kind of neural networks. Since the memories are ground
states of the system, each one having its own basin of attraction, the size of the basins dies down

as the number of stored memories increases, limiting severely the number of stored memories, even
if these memories are not correlated. Improvements on this model, turning the coupling constants
not symmetric (there is no more a Hamiltonian) (4), coupling between one memory with another
one (5), dilution (6; 7) etc, modify some details but always do not satisfy some of the items listed
above, especially items 4 and 5, but items 2 and 3 can not always be satisfied. In general these
systems works also at the ordered side, not at the border chaos-order. That’s why they are ANN.
The asymmetric coupling constants, the coupling among sequencial memories and the dilution lead
to fixed points of the dynamics or to cycles, which also belong to the ordered side. It could also
lead to a chaotic state (8). In both situations we are not at the border chaos-order but rather on
one side or on the other, and both sides are inappropriate to deal with a complex system like the

3 A biological-motived model: the importance of the external

To react quickly to any change in the neighboring environment is so important to life that many
reactions are themselves written in our DNA and are the most primitive ones. They are commonly
called instinctive reactions. The mammal new born that sucks anything that gets into his mouth
illustrate an instinctive reaction, fundamental in the first weeks of life of any mammals. Rapid and
involuntary movements in order to scape predators are other - of many - examples of instinctive
reactions of animals. Clearly, the brain was forged by evolution in the task to quickly analyze any
external stimulus and triggers a muscle reaction if necessary.
With the evolution, other types of reactions to external stimulus that are not instinctive were
developed by the nervous systems of many animals, generally taking more time to analyze and to
recognize the external stimulus and then, later, to react.
This scenario of prompt reaction to external stimulus should be ubiquitous to any brain activity,
including the important task of pattern recognition. In pattern recognition, in short, the system
is able to store a certain number of patterns (memories), coming from previous experiences. If an
external stimulus related to one of these patterns is presented to the system, the system will be
able to recognize it as one of the stored patterns.
Therefore, the typical scenario of neural networks ANN models of pattern recognition is to
associate, in an appropriate mathematical space, a topography, where the memories are at the
bottom of the valleys and the mountain slopes are spaces where the external stimulus can be
(initially) located, giving birth to the recognition process. An appropriate dynamics leads the
external stimulus located at the mountain slopes to the bottom of the valley, associating it with
the corresponding memory.
In these type of ANN models, if we look the influence of an external stimulus to a specific neuron
belonging to the neural network, this influence can be divided in two parts, a signal, connected with
the external stimulus, that is correlated with a stored pattern (memory), and a noise, caused by all
other stored memories that are not related to the external stimulus. This external stimulus gives
the initial state of activity of the neurons that, evolving by some internal process, leads the system
to recognize the memory associated with the initial stimulus. When the number of stored patterns
(memories) is increased, the RMS deviation associated with the distribution of the noise caused by
the memories not correlated with the signal increases, in such a way that when the system has a
large enough number of stored memories, the RMS deviation of the distribution of the noise is of

the order of the signal, and the system is not anymore able to recognize any stored pattern. The
ability of the system to recognize stored memories fails because the variance of the distribution of
the noise cancels the signal from the external initial stimulus.
The main hypothesis we are proposing here in this work is that the long-time evolution allows
the living beings to calibrate the influence of the external stimulus in such a way as to cancel, as
much as possible, the noise caused by the memories not correlated with the external stimulus. We
can, shortly, divide the influence (hi ) exerted on a particular neuron i by the others neurons in the
presence of a external stimulus correlated with some stored memory by

hi = signal + noise + external stimulus . (1)

If the external stimulus could cancel the noise caused by the patterns not correlated with the
memory associated with the external stimulus, the signal remains and could allow the recognition
of the stimulus, if it is associated with some stored pattern. The external stimulus does not give
anymore the initial state of the system, starting the process of recognition, but it is always present
during the whole process of recognition. The initial state at time t = 0 is, in this framework,
not important anymore. The fundamental point here is how to tune the intensity of the external
stimulus in order to just cancel the noise term.

3.1 Example
Let us illustrate this frame with a simple neural network model, a model where we can even obtain
many analytical results, but in fact, this approach can be used in any NN model. We will use here as
example the Hopfield model because we can get many analytical results, helping us to understand
better what is going on.
In our framework, applied to the simplest Hopfield model, the local field hi at time t, acting on
the i-th neuron, has the following expression:
hi (t) = Ji,j σj (t) + κ ηi , (2)

where σi (t) = ±1 represents the state of the i-th neuron at time t, activated or in rest, Ji,j
represents the intensity of the synapses between neurons i and j, here considered as symmetric,
ηi = ±1 represents the effect of the external stimulus on the i-th neuron, remaining fixed for as long
as the external stimulus is present, and κ represents the intensity of which the system considers
the effect of the external stimulus in the recognition process, a fundamental point in this process.
The intensity of the synapses Ji,j can be expressed in function of the p-stored memories {ξiµ } as
(Hebb’s rule):
1 X µ µ
Ji,j = ξi ξj (i 6= j), (3)

where ξiµ = ±1 for any i and µ. The memories are assumed orthogonal and satisfying the distribu-
1 1
P (ξiµ ) = δ(ξiµ − 1) + δ(ξiµ + 1) . (4)
2 2

In general, in the storage of an extensive number of memories, p can be written as p = αN .
This is the case we are interested here, since the storage of non-extensive p patterns is well-known
and it is known that when α & 0.14 the system is not able to recognize any pattern anymore.
Therefore, any good improvement in the recognition process should be able to recognize a stored
pattern even for values of α > 0.14.
With respect to the external stimulus, we will consider that it could have some overlap with one
particular stored memory, let us say memory ρ, 1 ≤ ρ ≤ p. This can be expressed mathematically
by saying that ηi obeys the probability distribution:

P (ηi ) = γδ(ηi − ξiρ ) + (1 − γ)δ(ηi + ξiρ ) , (5)

where 0 ≤ γ ≤ 1 indicates the percentage of the number of neurons that have equal activity between
the memory ρ and the external stimulus. Clearly, γ = 1 says that the external stimulus has, exactly,
the same pattern as memory ρ. The main idea here is to keep the influence of the external pattern,
to be recognized, during the whole process, not only as an initial state, as it happens in a typical
ANN. To reveal a little more the role of the external stimulus, let us analyze again the local field
acting on neuron i. For this, we will use eq. (3) and separate, in the first term on RHS of eq. (2),
the term of the memory ρ from the other memories,
N N p
1 X ρ ρ 1 XX µ µ
hi (t) = ξi ξj σj (t) + ξi ξj σj (t) + κ ηi . (6)
j6=i j6=i µ6=ρ

The RHS of eq. (6) has three terms: the first one is the signal, when the configuration of the
neurons is the same as the stored memory {ξiρ }; the second one is the noise, induced by the others
memories unlike ρ, considered here orthogonal one of the other; and the third is the term induced
by the external stimulus. Now, if we consider that, at a time t, the states of the neurons, {σi }, as
well as the external stimulus {ηi }, are exactly the same as the pattern {ξiρ }, i.e., γ = 1. Then,
N p
N −1 ρ 1 XX µ µ ρ
hi (t) = ξi + ξi ξj ξj + κξiρ , (7)
j6=i µ6=ρ

showing that κ helps to increase the signal term against the noise term, which can have an odd
signal with respect to ξiρ . In fact, if we could calibrate κ in such a way that it has practically the
same strenght as the variance of the noise, caused by the second RHS term of eq. (7), the external
stimulus can, essentially, cancel the noise term, the signal predominates and the pattern can be
recognized, even in the presence of a large noise. This could allow us to recognize patterns in the
Hopfield model, for example, for values of p much higher than the value 0.14N (α = 0.14), the
upper limit of recognized patterns in the Hopfield model. The calibrate value of κ is the crucial
point of this new frame. It can not be very small, because it will not cancel the noise term, nor
it can not be much higher than the two first terms of the RHS of eqs. (6), since in this case the
external field will dominate the local field and there will be no pattern recognition at all; the local
field will simply reproduce the external stimululs, whether associated with a memory or not.
One other comment is that if the external stimulus change after a time t∗ , associating for times
t > t∗ the external stimulus with another stored memory, let us say, {ξ ν }, the memory {ξ ρ } will
loose stability and will not anymore be recognized, the memory associated with the pattern ν being
now the recognized pattern. This way, the system changes the pattern recognition accordingly the

presentation of the external stimulus, as it happens normally. The model captures this important
facet of living systems. In fact, all the points listed in the introduction are satisfied, as it should.
In order to study how to find this optimal value of κ, let us do, as much as possible, the
analytical calculations of the model given by eq. (2).
The Hamiltonian of this system, for simplicity with symmetric Ji,j , is:

N N p N
X 1 X ρ ρ 1 X X µ µ X
H=− hi (t)σi (t) = ξi ξj σj (t)σi (t) + ξi ξj σj (t)σi (t) + κ ηi σi (t) , (8)
2N 2N
i i,j,j6=i i,j,j6=i µ6=ρ i=1

where ηi obeys the probability distribution given by eq. (5).

3.2 Stimulus-dependent neural network - SDNN - Molecular field

The free-energy of the SDNN model is given by,
1 D E
f =− hln [Tr exp (−βH)]iη , (9)
βN ξ

where h...iη,ξ indicate the quenched average on η or ξ and we will use the replica method to calculate
the free-energy.
The quenched free-energy can be expressed as function of the following order parameters:

(a) macroscopic superposition with the condensed pattern (in our model we have just one condensed
* +
1 X ρ
mρ = ξi hσi iT , (10)
i=1 η,ξ

(b) the Edwards-Anderson parameter

* +
1 X
q= hσi i2T , (11)
i=1 η,ξ

(c) the noise caused by the p − 1 not condensed patterns

1 X D µ 2E
r= (m ) , (12)
α η,ξ

where h. . .iT means thermal average, and can be written as (see Appendix A):

α 1 X ν 2 αβ α βq
f = + (m ) + r (1 − q) + ln (1 − β + βq) −
2 2 2 2β 1 − β + βq
** " !#+ +
1 √ X
ν ν
− ln 2 cosh β z αr + m ξ + κη (13)
ν=1 η z

where h. . .iz ≡ √dz2π exp − z2 h. . .iξρ represents the average over the condensed pattern ξ ρ , and

over the Gaussian noise z. The equilibrium solution comes from the derivatives of the free-energy
with respect to the parameters, leading to the saddle-point equations:

√  E
mρ = ξ ρ tanh z αr + mρ ξ ρ + κη η

2 √ ρ ρ
q = tanh z αr + m ξ + κη η
r = . (14)
(1 − β + βq)2

3.3 T = 0 solutions
In the limit T = 0 or β → ∞ the equations (14) yield (calling from now on mρ by m):
m+κ m−κ
m = γ erf √ + (1 − γ) erf √ (15)
2αr 2αr
where, r = (1 − C)−2 , erf(x) is the error function and
( " # " #)
(m + κ)2 (m − κ)2
C= γ exp − + (1 − γ) exp − . (16)
παr 2αr 2αr
√ √
With the definitions m = y 2αr and κ = x 2αr, the equations (15) and (16) can finally be
rewritten as:
γ erf (y + x) + (1 − γ) erf (y − x)
y = √ h 2 2
2α + √2π γ e−(y+x) + + (1 − γ) e−(y−x)
m = γerf (y + x) + (1 − γ) erf (y − x) . (17)

When γ = 1 we recover the equations that correspond to an external stimulus that is exactly equal
to the stored pattern ξ ρ ,

erf (y + x)
y = √ 2 ,
2α + √2 e−(y+x)
m = erf (y + x) . (18)

and when y + x → x we get the equations that correspond to an external stimulus which is not
related to any stored pattern,

erf (x)
y = √ ,
2α + √2π e−x2
m = erf (x) . (19)

3.4 Numerical simulation
We can see one part of the good performance of this new approach in figures (1-3). In figure (1)
it is shown numerical simulations of the macroscopic superposition mρ with the memory {ξ ρ } as
function of κ, for γ = 1, i.e., the external pattern is exactly the stored pattern. This simulation was
done for N =??? neurons and p = αN stored memories. The parameter α varies from 0.5, 0.7, 0.9
and 1.0 for graphs (a), (b), (c) and (d), all values above (or well-above) the critical value αc ' 0.138,
value above which the standard Hopfield neural network does not recognize any pattern. We have
shown the figures for mρ and for the macroscopic superposition with an external pattern that is
not stored and is orthogonal with all the stored patterns. The difference among these two curves,
represented by the curve with triangles, shown the best value of κ for each case. For this value
we can easily recognize the stored pattern associated with the external pattern, with macroscopic
superposition almost equal to one, even for α = 1, when mρ ' 0.9. The recognition works in fact
even for values of α much higher than α = 1. The value of κ associated with the maximum of the
difference among the two curves is the optimal one because it has an enough strength allowing to
recognize the stored pattern for α > 0.138 but not so strong in such a way that the extenal signal
can not dominate the other two terms. This subtle balance is the heart of this approach. The
same can be seen in figures (2), when γ = 0.9, and (3), when γ = 0.74. In these two figures we
are considering an external pattern that is not exactly equal to the stored pattern, but has 1 − γ
of the total bits unequal. In figure (2) we can see that the macroscopic superposition parameter
mρ decreases, what is expected since the external pattern has some differences with the stored
pattern. But, even for α = 1, mρ ' 0.7, what is enough for the recognition of the pattern, since
the macroscopic superposition of the other patterns are practically equal to zero. The last figure
(3) shows the limit we can disturb the stored pattern allowing recognizing. Practically there is no
maximum anymore in the difference among the two curves and we can not, essentially, separate
a stored pattern from a new pattern, not stored and orthogonal with the others stored patterns.
Therefore, in this approach we can deform the stored pattern up to 25% and the system still will
recogize it, even for values of α greater than αc , which is an impressive performance.

3.5 Analytical results

The analytical results obtained in eqs. (17-19) are compared with the numerical simulations in
figure (4). The agreement is very good.

4 Time evolution of the external pattern

One important point is when, at time t0 , we present a pattern associated with one memory stored
by the system, say memory ρ, and then, at time t1 we withdraw the initial pattern and presents
another pattern, associated with the memory, say ζ. The system itself is capable to change the
recognized pattern associating, after the time t1 the memory ζ to the new pattern. This can be
achieved by assuming that the external pattern depends on time. For the example above, during the
time interval between t0 and t1 the external pattern {ηi } has the following probability distribution:
P (ηi (t)) = γδ(ηi (t) − ξiρ ) + (1 − γ)δ(ηi (t) + ξiρ ) , (t0 < t < t1 ) , (20)
but after the time t1 the probability distribution for η changes according:
P (ηi (t)) = γδ(ηi (t) − ξiζ ) + (1 − γ)δ(ηi (t) + ξiζ ) , (t1 < t) . (21)


0.6 κc=0.70
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 κ

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 κ

0.4 κc=0.90

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 κ

0.4 κc=0.95
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 κ
mθ m⊥ ∆m

Figure 1: Macroscopic superposition of the external pattern mρ for γ = 1. (a) α = 0.5; (b) α = 0.7;
(c) α = 0.9 and (d) α = 1.0. The curves with blue dots are the macroscopic superposition with
the memory ρ, mρ ; the curve with green dots are the macroscopic superposition with an external
pattern that is not stored and is orthogonal with all the stored patterns, and the curve with triangles
are the differences between the macroscopic recognition of the stored pattern ρ and a non-stored
pattern, orthogonal to all memories.


0.4 κc=0.70
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 κ

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 κ

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 κ

0.2 κc=0.95
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 κ
mθ m⊥ ∆m

Figure 2: Macroscopic superposition of the external pattern mρ for γ = 0.9. (a) α = 0.5; (b)
α = 0.7; (c) α = 0.9 and (d) α = 1.0. The curves with blue dots are the macroscopic superposition
with the memory ρ, mρ ; the curve with green dots are the macroscopic superposition with an
external pattern that is not stored and is orthogonal with all the stored patterns, and the curve
with triangles are the differences between the macroscopic recognition of the stored pattern ρ and
a non-stored pattern, orthogonal to all memories.


0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 κ

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 κ

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 κ

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 κ
mθ m⊥ ∆m

Figure 3: Macroscopic superposition of the external pattern mρ for γ = 0.74. (a) α = 0.5; (b)
α = 0.7; (c) α = 0.9 and (d) α = 1.0. The curves with blue dots are the macroscopic superposition
with the memory ρ, mρ ; the curve with green dots are the macroscopic superposition with an
external pattern that is not stored and is orthogonal with all the stored patterns, and the curve
with triangles are the differences between the macroscopic recognition of the stored pattern ρ and
a non-stored pattern, orthogonal to all memories.


0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 κ

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 κ

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 κ

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 κ
mθ m⊥ ∆m mTθ mT⊥ ∆m

Figure 4: theory x numerical

In the figure (??) we can see how the neural network reacts when we change the external pattern.
We plot the macroscopic superposition m as function of time. Up to t = 50 there is no external
pattern presented. No memory is recognized.

5 Pattern recognition of correlated patterns

6 Pattern recognition of diluted network

7 Conclusions


κ = 0.0 κ = 0.2 κ = 0.2
0 25 50 75 100 125 κ (x103)

κ = 0.0 κ = 0.85 κ = 0.85
0 25 50 75 100 125 κ (x103)

κ = 0.0 κ = 1.5 κ = 1.5
0 25 50 75 100 125 κ (x103)

κ = 0.0 κ = 2.5 κ = 2.5
0 25 50 75 100 125 κ (x103)
mθ mν

Figure 5: graph-time

A Equação de Campo Médio
Caso α = p/N seja finito o cálculo segue os passos da referencia (3) e a média temperada sobre os
ξ’s é realizada usando o método de réplicas. Assim, a energia livre é calculada a partir da média:
  
* +
Y  1 XX µ µ a a
hZ iη, ξ = Tr  exp β − N
 ξi ξj Si Sj − κηi Si  , (22)
a i, j µ=1 i
(j>i) η, ξ

onde a etiqueta n réplicas fictı́cias e TrS a denota o traço sobre os spins em cada uma das n réplicas.
Desacoplando o termo quadrático em ξ, com ajuda da transformação gaussiana,

2 1
Z h √ i
dx exp −x2 /2 + 2λax ,

exp λa = √ (23)

e calculando a média sobre os ξ’s altos (µ > s), encontramos:
 
* Z !
Y dmµa  X (mµa )2
X β X µ a 
hZ n iξ = e−βpn/2 Tr √ exp  − + ln cosh ma Si 
a, µ 2π 
µ, a 2 N a

i, µ
(µ>s) (µ>s)
 +
X (mν )2
X β ν X X
× exp − + m ξiν Sia + βκ ηi Sia  , (24)
ν, a
2 ν, a
N a
i i, a
η, ξ ν

onde ν (= 1, . . . , s) denota os padrões candidatos à condensação. Se mµa = O (1), para µ > s,

pode-se usar a seguinte aproximação: ln [cosh x] ≈ 12 x2 . Então, integrando sobre mµa , encontramos:

hZ n i = e−βpn/2 Tr exp − pTr ln [(1 − β) I − βQ]
S a 2
*Z  +
Y dma µ
1 1 κ
mνa ξiµ Sia +
× √ exp βN − (mνa )2 + ηi Sia  ,(25)
ν, a 2π 2 ν, a
i, ν, a i, a
η, ξ ν

onde, como em (3), qab = N1 i Sia Sib − δab . Introduzindo rab como multiplicadores de Lagrange
para os elementos não-diagonais de Q, qab , encontramos para a energia livre
α 1 X ν 2 α αβ X
f = + (ma ) + Tr ln [(1 − β) I − βQ] + rab qab
2 2n ν, a 2βn 2n
a, b
*   +
1 αβ 2 X X X
− ln Tr exp  rab S a S b + β mνa ξ ν S a + βκ ηS a  . (26)
βn S 2 ν, a a
η, ξ ν

Assumindo a simetria de réplicas e deixando n ir a zero em (26), obtemos a seguinte expressão para

a energia livre:
α αβ 1X ν 2 α βq
f = + r (1 − q) + (m ) + ln (1 − β + βq) −
2 2 2 ν 2β 1 − β + βq
** " !#+ +
1 √ X
− ln 2 cosh β z αr + mν ξ ν + κη , (27)
β ν η z

onde h. . .iz indica uma média Gaussiana sobre z, bem como uma média sobre o ξ discreto, com
os ξ’s distribuı́dos de acordo com (5).

[1] R. Darwin, Origin of evolution of especies

[2] carta do wallace para darwin

[3] artigo hopfield nn

[4] artigos com acoplamentos assimétricos

[5] artigos sobre acoplamentos entre uma memoria e outra

[6] artigos sobre diluicao

[7] artigo crisogono

[8] artigos sobre caos em NN


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