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2 marks
1. Linear perceptron
2. Regularization in ML
3. Difference between parameters and hyperparameters
4. Difference between supervised ML and unsupervised ML
5. Bias and variance
6. Orthogonal vectors
7. Eigen values and eigen vectors
8. Validation set
9. How to handle multidimensonal data in ML
10. Mathematical equation of linear regression
16 Marks

1. Different categories of ML
2. Linear regression with example.
3. Problem in linear regression
4. Explain dimensionality reduction and PCA
5. Overfitting and underfitting explanation with neat diagram
6. Solving linear equation - both methods
7. Problem in eigen vectors.
Unit - II
2 marks
1. Muculloch and pits neural network
2. Backpropogation
3. Define Gradient descent
4. L2 regularization
5. Define activation function
6. List out some action function
7. Problems in gradient descent. Calculate parameters
8. Define error function
9. Learning Xor
10. Define early stopping
11. Define dropout

16 marks
1. Learning Xor problem with suitable example
2. Feed forward neural network
3. Activation function
4. How regularization achived
5. Problem in feed forward neural network
6. Define GD. Variations of GD
Unit - III
1. Convolutional operation
2. Various pooling technique
3. Applications in computer vision
4. Sequence modelling
5. Simple architecture of encoder and decoder model
6. Problem in CNN output size.
7. Difficulty in training RNN
8. Disadvantages of rnn

16 Marks
1. CNN architecture
2. Purpose of seq modelling. Explain any one seq architecture
3. RNN architecture
4. Various applications in CV
5. Problem in CNN (Parameters calculation)
6. Architecture encoder & decoder
Unit -IV
2 marks
1. Define auto encoders
2. Differentiate overcomplete and under complete encoders
3. Define contractive autoencoder
4. Define denoising autoencoder
5. Application of autoencoder
6. Compare GD with RMSprop
7. Define SGD
8. Define dimensionality reduction
16 marks
1. Regularized autoencoder
2. GD techniques.
3. Types of autoencoders
4. Write short notes on
a. Sgd
b. Minibatch GD
5. Write short notes on
a. RMSprop
b. Applications of autoencoders

2 marks
1. Define metric learning
2. Siamese network
3. Transfer learning
4. Algorithm for RCN
5. Define YoLo.
6. 3D CNN

16 Marks
1. Lenet Architecture
2. Alexnet Architecture
3. yoLo object detection
5. Transfer Learning
6. Siamese network
7. 3D CNN

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